

Christoph Lehmann


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 0 2
Reported issues 19 104 123


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2023-01-20



19:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #104725: Massive amount of data stored and transmitted by admin panel
I think the idea of the caching table was to be able to compare requests, later. Since this functionality never went ... Christoph Lehmann


07:46 TYPO3 Core Bug #101439: Category tree does not load, when internet connection is slow
I see the error in v12.4.19. Its randomly, sometimes the category tree appear. Christoph Lehmann


05:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #102656 (Resolved): Exception in record history with outdated content element configuration
Applied in changeset commit:1a88644b924b37d93f078751d6c974000a481900. Christoph Lehmann
05:50 TYPO3 Core Revision 1a88644b: [BUGFIX] Prevent rendering FlexForm diff of deleted records in history
When the record does not exist anymore, then the FlexForm definition
might also not exist anymore (imagine a removed ...
Christoph Lehmann


21:05 TYPO3 Core Feature #99340: Add stdWrap to config.additionalHeaders.10.header
It's fine for me, lets close it. Christoph Lehmann


08:48 TYPO3 Core Revision 4bb53cf8: [TASK] Do not log locked backend exceptions
BackendAccessDeniedException is thrown due to inproper client ip.
BackendLockedException is thrown when the backend i...
Christoph Lehmann
08:45 TYPO3 Core Task #104120 (Resolved): Do not log Exceptions of LockedBackendGuard middleware
Applied in changeset commit:d224cd57eb3ef6a84cd1a41d209a20bfe8093c89. Christoph Lehmann
08:40 TYPO3 Core Revision d224cd57: [TASK] Do not log locked backend exceptions
BackendAccessDeniedException is thrown due to inproper client ip.
BackendLockedException is thrown when the backend i...
Christoph Lehmann


21:29 TYPO3 Core Task #104120 (Closed): Do not log Exceptions of LockedBackendGuard middleware
They are thrown for desired behaviour, so logging them seems superfluous Christoph Lehmann


13:05 TYPO3 Core Feature #99203 (Resolved): Re-introduce easy possibility to add paths via TypoScript
Applied in changeset commit:0a609bf2a7bfc403fab6ff736906495dcd842dd4. Christoph Lehmann

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