

Daniel Goerz

  • Login: ervaude
  • Registered on: 2013-06-20
  • Last sign in: 2024-11-26


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 95 95
Reported issues 7 174 181


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2015-07-21



20:07 TYPO3 Core Task #102978: EXT:form Improvement: Do not render pencil Icons for forms that are not editable
Annett Jähnichen wrote in #note-7:
> Hi,
> I'm not quite sure about the lock icon.
> In most places in the ba...
Daniel Goerz


08:49 TYPO3 Core Feature #102979 (Resolved): EXT:form Improvement: Make list of forms filterable
I just realized that there is a search field now, wich is sufficent for filtering.
I close this issue.
Thank you!
Daniel Goerz
08:29 TYPO3 Core Feature #102979 (New): EXT:form Improvement: Make list of forms filterable
Guido Schmechel wrote in #note-7:
> Has this feature solved the problem?
Daniel Goerz


13:17 TYPO3 Core Feature #103267 (New): EXT:form Improvement: Field identifier should be editable
The identifier of fields created through the EXT:form backend GUI are generated automatically (text-1, text-2, text-3... Daniel Goerz
13:13 TYPO3 Core Feature #103266 (New): EXT:form Improvement: Introduce Possibility for Validators at form level
Currently, EXT:form only allows validation on a per-field level.
However, it would be helpful to be able to regist...
Daniel Goerz


12:14 TYPO3 Core Feature #102979 (Closed): EXT:form Improvement: Make list of forms filterable
The forms in the backend module "Forms" are currently sortable but the list cannot be filtered.
It would be nice t...
Daniel Goerz
12:07 TYPO3 Core Task #102978 (Under Review): EXT:form Improvement: Do not render pencil Icons for forms that are not editable
In the backend module "Forms", editable and uneditable forms both have a pencil icon rendered in the action button. F... Daniel Goerz


09:57 TYPO3 Core Bug #102283: Extbase file upload using type converters not possible any more
To add my comment from the EXT:form Patch:
"I dont think the EXT:form patch is the "correct" fix. We should do the...
Daniel Goerz


19:32 TYPO3 Core Feature #101722 (New): DB Check Module - Saved queries should be persisted in the database
The "Check DB" Module has the option to save queries in the "Full Search" -> "Advanced query" view.
Daniel Goerz


14:44 TYPO3 Core Feature #101700 (Closed): The AsMessageHandler Attribute of symfony/messenger should register a message handler
symfony/messenger comes with a PHP Attribute @AsMessageHandler@ to register message handlers. However, this attribute... Daniel Goerz

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