

Henrik Elsner

  • Login: helsner
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  • Registered on: 2017-04-10
  • Last sign in: 2024-07-08


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 12 12
Reported issues 5 30 35


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2017-04-11



08:34 TYPO3 Core Bug #104330 (Under Review): Missing file replacement option in tiles context menu
I don't know if this is a active decision or a bug, but in the tiles view of the filelist the option to replace a fil... Henrik Elsner


12:47 TYPO3 Core Bug #101768: TYPO3 Form - Page Variant Condition
IMHO Mathias already provided the solution.
No patch is needed for the core, but the docs.
I created a PR, which mi...
Henrik Elsner


13:59 TYPO3 Core Bug #102396: InputLinkElement fails parsing nullable fields
I just found out that the whole class got replaced by the new LinkElement on main.
There the type casting is already...
Henrik Elsner
13:51 TYPO3 Core Bug #102396 (Closed): InputLinkElement fails parsing nullable fields
`PHP Runtime Deprecation Notice: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is...
Henrik Elsner
09:14 TYPO3 Core Bug #102392 (Under Review): YouTubeRenderer breaks on boolen html attribute without value
Error message:
`PHP Runtime Deprecation Notice: htmlspecialchars(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type s...
Henrik Elsner


21:40 TYPO3 Core Bug #97710 (Resolved): Missing languagefield in select causes failing overlay
Applied in changeset commit:7e392c6df7ec32e605a5d7faa58bc633673d68e2. Henrik Elsner
21:40 TYPO3 Core Feature #97639 (Resolved): Multilang bug in cObjGetSingle. No data is returned for records if sys_language_uid is set to -1.
Applied in changeset commit:7e392c6df7ec32e605a5d7faa58bc633673d68e2. Henrik Elsner


07:42 TYPO3 Core Bug #99884 (Closed): GeneralUtility::cmpIP -> trim() issue with PHP 8.1
I got the issue.
The complete stacktrace hinted me to GeneralUtility line 2551:...
Henrik Elsner


16:14 TYPO3 Core Bug #99884 (Closed): GeneralUtility::cmpIP -> trim() issue with PHP 8.1
I get an FATAL error with PHP 8.1 on the mentioned line (218)
The error message is not formatted or anything.
Henrik Elsner


07:29 TYPO3 Core Bug #97710 (Closed): Missing languagefield in select causes failing overlay
We use the `TYPO3\CMS\Frontend\DataProcessing\DatabaseQueryProcessor`
To be efficient we define our `selectFields`...
Henrik Elsner

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