

Oliver Bartsch

  • Login: obartsch
  • Registered on: 2018-10-03
  • Last sign in: 2023-11-06


open closed Total
Assigned issues 4 698 702
Reported issues 17 843 860


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Member 2019-08-05



12:55 TYPO3 Core Bug #104234 (Resolved): Registering of record types should not be done in TcaFactory
Applied in changeset commit:ca14daeb04f7541ad80d9cde70cd2a9e92c9101e. Oliver Bartsch
12:49 TYPO3 Core Revision ca14daeb: [TASK] Register allowed record types on-demand in PageDoktypeRegistry
Instead of calling the PageDoktypeRegistry
in the TcaFactory, the PageDoktypeRegistry
does now initialize the TCA for...
Oliver Bartsch
12:25 TYPO3 Core Task #104244 (Resolved): Do not use uncommon constants for FormEngine node strings
Applied in changeset commit:0b609da2d54947a8e375148258552751f2f57c6d. Oliver Bartsch
10:52 TYPO3 Core Task #104244 (Resolved): Do not use uncommon constants for FormEngine node strings
Oliver Bartsch
12:22 TYPO3 Core Revision 0b609da2: [TASK] Do not use uncommon constants for FormEngine node strings
Resolves: #104244
Releases: main
Change-Id: I9619e380bc32f7966ff6804390207312f9e7da3e
Reviewed-on: https://review.typ...
Oliver Bartsch
12:11 TYPO3 Core Revision d7d22f81: [TASK] Unify system backend module paths
This unifies the paths to backend modules
below "system", such as "webhooks" or
Additionally, the modul...
Oliver Bartsch
10:40 TYPO3 Core Revision ac3f0533: [BUGFIX] Fix table column type for imageManipulation
Also adds the type to the corresponding test.
Resolves: #104230
Releases: main, 12.4
Change-Id: Ica9e6b63d5a2fe52cc7...
Oliver Bartsch
09:18 TYPO3 Core Revision 596bb678: [BUGFIX] Add `name` attribute to readonly fields in FormEngine
Some FormEngine related JS components, e.g. the
slug element rely on input and text fields to
have the field name set...
Oliver Bartsch
09:05 TYPO3 Core Bug #104178 (Resolved): Slug Creation skips field if set to readOnly
Applied in changeset commit:b0c4df5de2e290ee4adad8c76373d14eb7ec46af. Oliver Bartsch
09:03 TYPO3 Core Revision b0c4df5d: [BUGFIX] Add `name` attribute to readonly fields in FormEngine
Some FormEngine related JS components, e.g. the
slug element rely on input and text fields to
have the field name set...
Oliver Bartsch

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