

Mario Lubenka

  • Login: saitho
  • Registered on: 2019-12-25
  • Last sign in: 2024-09-19


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 4 11 15



14:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #105046 (Closed): Outdated v13 Breaking documentation for TypoScriptFrontendController
I just stumbled across this:
Mario Lubenka


06:54 TYPO3 Core Bug #103707: Duplicate entries in sys_file table
We have a similar problem in TYPO3 12. But also were not able to pinpoint the issue.
Just noticed that in the database.
Mario Lubenka


07:57 TYPO3 Core Bug #104347: TYPO3 v12.4.17: ModifyLoginFormViewEvent requires new parameter
Georg Ringer wrote in #note-1:
> why this is a potential regression? extensions should not initialize the event thems...
Mario Lubenka


09:07 TYPO3 Core Bug #104347 (Closed): TYPO3 v12.4.17: ModifyLoginFormViewEvent requires new parameter
The latest bugfix release for TYPO3 introduced a change to felogin ModifyLoginFormViewEvent.
The event's constructor...
Mario Lubenka


08:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #103480 (Closed): Inline relations: "New button" shown even when "maxitems" is exceeded
h2. Context
The introduction of the new TCA type "file" brought several refactorings.
During the refactorings, th...
Mario Lubenka


08:31 TYPO3 Core Bug #103447 (Closed): Upgrade Wizard command exits with error when no changes need to be made
We're running @typo3 upgrade:run sysLogSerialization@ during our upgrade process (TYPO3 CMS v11 to TYPO3 CMS v12).
Mario Lubenka


10:21 TYPO3 Core Feature #99345 (New): Disallow duplication for each form definition
We provide some forms via our TYPO3 extensions that we do not want the editors to copy forms from.
This is mainly ...
Mario Lubenka


12:34 TYPO3 Core Feature #99302 (New): New event "AfterExtensionSetupEvent" for improving extension setup capabilities
Right now @InstallUtility::install@ triggers a @AfterPackageActivationEvent@ for each extension after @processExtensi... Mario Lubenka


12:02 TYPO3 Core Task #98519 (Closed): Uninitialized properties in DebuggerUtility
@DebuggerUtility:var_dump@ is commonly used to debug PHP classes.
In the latest PHP versions it is recommended to us...
Mario Lubenka
09:04 TYPO3 Core Task #98517: Show username in password recovery email
However, this may also introduce a new security risk, as someone with access to the email account of an editor now ha... Mario Lubenka

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