

Andreas Kalkhoff

  • Login: akalkhoff
  • Registered on: 2021-02-11
  • Last sign in: 2023-07-04


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 1 1 2



09:33 TYPO3 Core Bug #99784: Workspaces Mail not working in Firefox 109
Caused my miscommunication/misinterpretation on my part. Reverted things, cannot reopen the ticket after all either w... Andreas Kalkhoff


06:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #95814 (Closed): The itemsProcFunc configuration array has wrong pid from the 2nd content element on a page
I use an itemProcFunc to fill flexform items based on heritage-based data; filling an array of colors for editors to ... Andreas Kalkhoff


14:40 TYPO3 Core Bug #50551: The itemsProcFunc configuration array has wrong pid from the 2nd content element on a page
Seems like this problem has returned; ran into this problem with Typo3 10.4.21.
When I click "+ Content" after any e...
Andreas Kalkhoff
12:26 TYPO3 Core Bug #95812: Record Statistics runs into an error when reaching it's limits
Edit: Forgot one important bit of info:
Total length of the query: 65440 characters.
Andreas Kalkhoff
12:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #95812 (New): Record Statistics runs into an error when reaching it's limits
for a bit of a larger installation, during my quest to resolve some DB-related issues, I tried to fetch the "R...
Andreas Kalkhoff


11:20 TYPO3 Core Bug #92709: no mass edit for records with translations
This error also occurs in Typo3 v10.4.12.
JS Error now throws "Uncaught TypeError: document.querySelector(...) is nu...
Andreas Kalkhoff

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