Mats Svensson
- Login: matseriks
- Email:
- Registered on: 2010-12-15
- Last sign in: 2019-05-27
open | closed | Total | |
Assigned issues | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Reported issues | 0 | 4 | 4 |
13:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #88446 (Closed): Translated pages are missing in workspace module
- When creating/updating translated pages in a workspace, added/modified pages aren't visible in workspace module.
13:40 TYPO3 Core Revision 986708d4: [BUGFIX] Support target in fluid_styled_content menus
- Add condition and only render target attribute if set on page.
Resolves: #82464
Releases: master, 8.7
Change-Id: I14... -
13:30 TYPO3 Core Bug #82464 (Resolved): CE menus target attribute is rendered even when target is empty
- Applied in changeset commit:855193aa2f08c71297793b5a118f17f9cb1d4e14.
13:14 TYPO3 Core Revision 855193aa: [BUGFIX] Support target in fluid_styled_content menus
- Add condition and only render target attribute if set on page.
Resolves: #82464
Releases: master, 8.7
Change-Id: I14...
14:56 TYPO3 Core Bug #82464 (Closed): CE menus target attribute is rendered even when target is empty
- Some of the fluid styled content menus render an empty target attribute.
"Bad value for attribute target on element...
10:23 TYPO3 Core Bug #38767 (Closed): Incorrect order of search-result
- The function execFinalQuery in pi/class.tx_indexedsearch.php, doesn't use the searched word(s) in exec_SELECTquery wh...
14:06 TYPO3 Core Bug #38548 (Closed): Incorrect search-results when searching for part of word
- In function searchWord the self:: is missing for the 2 constants in rows 906 and 907.
$wildcard_left = ($mode & WI...
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