



Bug #100660


Wrong resources links when using env variable path_root

Added by Stefan Bublies almost 2 years ago. Updated 4 months ago.

Should have
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When TYPO3 is installed with typo3-composer-installers v3.1 and the installation using enviroment variable: TYPO3_PATH_ROOT, the TYPO3 set all resources with _assets/.
If you leave out the variable everything works fine.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #101911: TYPO3 composer mode does not properly respect installations in a subdirectoryClosed2023-09-13

Actions #1

Updated by Kay Strobach over 1 year ago

with the old composer installer and previous TYPO3 versions it was possible to install typo3 in a way, that resources are loaded from


With the newer core and the same old installer (v3) this works fine as long as you use composer in the root folder and do not use the constant TYPO3_PATH_ROOT, otherwise the resources are loaded from

which is fine for newer installations, but breaks with the old installer.

The change happend somewhere in the v11 releases, will try to pin that down further.

Worked for v9, v10, upgrade to v11 broken

Btw. for v12 we switched to the

folder, but as our instance works a template for many installs, it would be nice to find a solution.

Actions #2

Updated by Garvin Hicking over 1 year ago

  • Related to Bug #101911: TYPO3 composer mode does not properly respect installations in a subdirectory added
Actions #3

Updated by Helmut Hummel over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

Stefan Bublies wrote:

When TYPO3 is installed with typo3-composer-installers v3.1

I assume TYPO3 11, like set to the bug report. correct?

and the installation using enviroment variable: TYPO3_PATH_ROOT,

Can you explain what you want to achieve with setting this environment variable in Composer mode
and especially to what value you are setting this compared to the value that TYPO3 calculates for this path?

Actions #4

Updated by Stefan Bublies over 1 year ago

Helmut Hummel wrote in #note-3:

I assume TYPO3 11, like set to the bug report. correct?

Yes, correct.

and the installation using enviroment variable: TYPO3_PATH_ROOT,

Can you explain what you want to achieve with setting this environment variable in Composer mode
and especially to what value you are setting this compared to the value that TYPO3 calculates for this path?

In this setup, the vendor (and a few other) folders are not in the document root. The variable is set to the document root. This worked fine under v9 and v10.

Actions #5

Updated by Riccardo De Contardi about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to New
Actions #6

Updated by Helmut Hummel 8 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

Stefan Bublies wrote in #note-4:

In this setup, the vendor (and a few other) folders are not in the document root. The variable is set to the document root. This worked fine under v9 and v10.

Can you please provide a full and reproducible example of what exactly you are doing preferably with an explanation of what you are trying to achieve.

Actions #7

Updated by Helmut Hummel 8 months ago

In general changing these environment variables is discouraged, as it bypasses all validation that happens, when configuring the paths via composer.json settings. Violating validations, will lead to unexpected behaviour.

Actions #8

Updated by Benjamin Franzke 4 months ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Rejected

Closing for lack of feedback, feel free to provide the requested feedback and we'll reopen:

Helmut Hummel wrote in #note-6:

Can you please provide a full and reproducible example of what exactly you are doing preferably with an explanation of what you are trying to achieve.


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