

Jigal van Hemert


open closed Total
Assigned issues 1 195 196
Reported issues 11 195 206


Project Roles Registered on
TYPO3 Core Contributor 2010-11-19



16:05 TYPO3 Core Bug #96042: Row update wizard may consume too much memory for tables with many records and content
Currently we run into this problem with an upgrade to v12 (PHP 8.3, MariaDB 10.11) both on a local ddev system but al... Jigal van Hemert
14:40 TYPO3 Core Bug #105345: Simulate BE-User does not show Install-Tool modules for system maintainers
In case the context is not Development this seems the desired behaviour.
If you are not a system maintainer and swit...
Jigal van Hemert


11:51 TYPO3 Core Task #105113: Debug viewhelper and debugger utility vardump don't show if property can be accessed by Fluid and don't show get/is/has methods which act as properties for Fluid
Garvin Hicking wrote in #note-1:
> I can whole-heartedly recommend anyone to look into
Jigal van Hemert
08:35 TYPO3 Core Task #105113 (Accepted): Debug viewhelper and debugger utility vardump don't show if property can be accessed by Fluid and don't show get/is/has methods which act as properties for Fluid
Both the debug viewhelper and DebuggerUtility::var_dump() are often used to show which properties of an object can be... Jigal van Hemert


10:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #100043 (Closed): Link browser forgets scroll position after opening subtree
In the link browser modal you can open a subtree by clicking on the triangle in front of a page. After that the paget... Jigal van Hemert


11:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #99472: URLs in hreflang tags and language menus are cached with the set of query parameters from the first request
As far as I can determine it addresses the problem only partly. The suggested extension keeps the parameters w...
Jigal van Hemert


16:08 TYPO3 Core Bug #99472 (Needs Feedback): URLs in hreflang tags and language menus are cached with the set of query parameters from the first request
If you flush the cache of a page with hreflang tags and a language menu the query parameters of the first request are... Jigal van Hemert


08:37 TYPO3 Core Bug #98176 (New): Preview of translated siteroot page in EditDocumentController fails to find Site
For the preview URL the rootline of the preview page is traversed to find a Site (which will provide the domain). If ... Jigal van Hemert


08:46 TYPO3 Core Bug #95910: Page history does not show changes from translated pages
A closer look at what the record history shows brings up more illogical choices (at least from the point of view of t... Jigal van Hemert


09:58 TYPO3 Core Bug #97976 (Closed): In link popup it would be nice to enter a page ID directly
Jigal van Hemert

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