Feature #100404
openLink-Selector-Popup in backend module should be extendable with custom link handlers
Currently you can create custom link handlers and register them through PageTS and they are available throughout the whole page tree.
But there seems no possibility to do the same for modules which do not depend on the page tree and therefore on PageTS, like EXT:redirects. Or I'm not able to find the documentation for that.
It would be great if the link selector popup inside the EXT:redirects backend module is also extendable with custom link handlers so one has the possibility to create redirects to detail pages for records for example.
Updated by Nikolas Hagelstein over 1 year ago
Tobias Pinnekamp wrote:
Currently you can create custom link handlers and register them through PageTS and they are available throughout the whole page tree.
But there seems no possibility to do the same for modules which do not depend on the page tree and therefore on PageTS, like EXT:redirects. Or I'm not able to find the documentation for that.
It would be great if the link selector popup inside the EXT:redirects backend module is also extendable with custom link handlers so one has the possibility to create redirects to detail pages for records for example.
Make sure you use TYPO3\CMS\Backend\LinkHandler as handler.
There is alsoe a regression. This used to work in TYPO3v11. See #101344 :)
Updated by Peter Kraume about 1 year ago
For me, the custom link handler for records works (in TYPO3 11.5.33). Here is a configuration example:
TCEMAIN.linkHandler { references { handler = TYPO3\CMS\Recordlist\LinkHandler\RecordLinkHandler label = LLL:EXT:references/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:linkHandler.tab.references configuration { table = tx_references_domain_model_reference storagePid = 12345 hidePageTree = 1 } } }
Important is, that the storagePid is hard coded in TSConfig because using constants, e.g. from the site configuration, don't work here.
Updated by Peter Kraume 12 months ago
- Related to Bug #103205: Add hint to EXT:redirects documentation added