Bug #103899
opentranslation setting not only valid for current finisher
I have set the following in the EmailToReceiver finisher of a form yaml:
language: default
But then this applies also for further finishers (e.g. confirmation finisher). In my case I have made a custom template for the confirmation finisher including <formvh:renderAllFormValues renderable="{form.formDefinition}" as="formValue"> viewhelper to display the data again -> labels are then translated in default language instead of website language.
Furthermore I have no idea how
language: default
could come into the form yaml files. Maybe using the form editor? I tried to get it again with no luck.
Next what could the setting “Language of translation“ in mail finishers used for? There is only english in default and nothing changes when explicitly selecting it. I think it should always be website language and no need for other values. Is there an option to hide it? It's just confusing.