



Bug #104159


Update wizard in v12 offers to install fe_login_mode extension in Composer mode

Added by Sybille Peters 9 days ago. Updated 9 days ago.

Needs Feedback
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Updating from v11 to v12. I am in Composer mode. I am running the upgrade scripts from command line:

php vendor/bin/typo3  upgrade:run

But the Update wizard offers to install fe_login_mode Extension which does not really make sense in composer mode if he tries to install it from TER.

Running Wizard "Install extension "fe_login_mode" from TER" 

Are you sure?
You should install EXT:fe_login_mode only if you really need it. This extension provides the frontend user login mode functionality, used in previous TYPO3 versions to reduce the amount of cache variants for complex user and group setups.
Yes, execute No, do not execute (y/N)y
The extension fe_login_mode can not be downloaded since Composer is used for package management. Please require this extension as package via Composer: "composer require o-ba/fe-login-mode:^1.0.0" 

 [ERROR] <error>Something went wrong while running Install extension "fe_login_mode" from TER</error>                   

Actions #1

Updated by Garvin Hicking 9 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback

I believe the problem here is that when running in composer mode you still may need to be notified that an extension might be needed, and to take the necessary steps in composer mode.

How would you feel if we just replace all ocurrences of "TER" with "TER/Composer"? Then the error message would be more fitting.

What do you think, would you have a different suggestion?

Actions #2

Updated by Sybille Peters 9 days ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to New

Does it make sense to try to install it? I think probably it should not try to install it and not give the option.

So it would be instead of 2 options just 1, e.g. "ok, understood".

I would assume it should just be an information which is acknowledged. However, I don't why we have these in the first place because for various other changes we have only the changelogs.

Actions #3

Updated by Garvin Hicking 9 days ago

  • Status changed from New to Needs Feedback


I think actually the question says "Run the install wizard" not "Try to install it from TER"?

Only when the install wizard is executed, it is able to inform about the Composer mode requirement and execute its code?

So I still think we might need to adjust the wording, maybe from:

Install extension "fe_login_mode" from TER


"Inform about "fe_login_mode" extension from TER/Composer"


I think the extension is an edge case for when something has moved to "siberia" which many people depended on from the core; and that doesn't happen that often

Actions #4

Updated by Sybille Peters 9 days ago

The Wizard did try to do something which did not work, see error message in my description. I did choose "y" for "yes" (which was stupid in hindsight).

Actions #5

Updated by Garvin Hicking 9 days ago

The wizard just bailed out; the "error" is just the way it transports that warning. It didn't try to download something, that action is gated via the...composer..." message


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