Bug #104957
openDetailed information of BE users list a "missing record" item under the user "References"
Steps to reproduce:
1. Backend User module > click on the "i" button icon (display information)
2. It opens a modal window with detailed information.
3. Scroll to bottom where there 's the "References" Section.
4. See attached file: the "References" list an item with "broken" icon, title "Record is missing" and field "Email". Oddly, the table column is empty
I don't know what this "missing record" is about; according to Garvin Hicking it should be a reference for workspace notifications, when enabled for a user.
Updated by Benni Mack 4 months ago
- Category changed from Workspaces to Link Handling & Redirect Handling
- Status changed from New to Accepted
This problem is not related to Workspaces, but actually of type=email, which the reference index detects as a reference (not a "soft reference").
This problem also occurs in v12 already (just tested this). It can be reproduced with show_item / ElementInformationController and be_users.email filled with an email address.