Bug #14189
closedCSS_Styled_Content: class for UL/LI is hardcoded
In class.tx_cssstyledcontent_pi1.php, function render_bullets(), the CSS class for UL is hardcoded:
<ul class="csc-bulletlist csc-bulletlist-'.$type.'">'
Instead, it should be configurable.
(issue imported from #M130)
Updated by Karsten Dambekalns over 20 years ago
I don't really get why this should be configurable - you have a fixed class (rather, two classes) that can be used to format the list to your liking. Why would you want to change the classes used? Any real-world example?
Updated by Oliver Klee over 20 years ago
It struck me as odd that the stdWrap is configurable for nearly every other element except for this one (and tables).
In my case (see http://www.asta-bonn.de/ ), I just wanted to have no class at all since use CSS descendant selectors for styling ULs, and I want to have code that is as lean and clean as possible on that site. I had to hack the CSS_Styled_Content extension code for this.
Updated by Ingmar Schlecht over 20 years ago
I don't think this is a bug because it's not really necessary to configure the class names.
BTW, you could have avoided hacking tx_cssstyledcontent_pi1 by using a userFunc.
Just attach a file called renderBulletlist.inc to your template record with the following contents:
function user_renderBulletlistmodify($content,$conf) {
// put your your bullet list rendering function here.
And then put these lines into your template setup code:
includeLibs.user_renderBulletlist = renderBulletlist*.inc
tt_content.bullets.20.userFunc = user_renderBulletlist
[disclaimer: this is not tested]