Bug #14208
closedIE does not display the Image in the Image Popups
IE does not display Image Popups when used with RealURL or Speaking URL's as Kasper calls it. The popup shows the content of the page the popup link originates from. The size of the popup window is the size of the image that should be displayed though.
Mozilla browsers display the image just fine.
(issue imported from #M167)
Updated by old_beryllium over 20 years ago
RealURL uses the <base>-tag to set the 'root' of the website. This works fine in most cases, but IE doesn't use the <base>-tag in URLs that are opened through javascript. So, the absolute path has to be supplied to the showpic()-function.
To make the code RealURL compatible, find the function imageLinkWrap in class.tslib_content.php. Replace the line:
$url = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix.'showpic.php?file='.rawurlencode($imageFile).$params;
with the following lines:
// Find prefix for showpic.php
if ($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['baseURL']) {
$urlPrefix = intval($GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['baseURL']) ? t3lib_div::getIndpEnv('TYPO3_SITE_URL') : $GLOBALS['TSFE']->config['config']['baseURL'];
else {
$urlPrefix = $GLOBALS['TSFE']->absRefPrefix;
$url = $urlPrefix.'showpic.php?file='.rawurlencode($imageFile).$params;
This normally has the same behaviour as it always did, but if someone uses the config.baseURL-directive (needed for the newer versions of RealURL), it automatically prepends the URL with the same path as the one that is used in the <base>-tag.
[EDIT: forgot to paste the last line, sorry for that :( ]
edited on: 17.06.04 10:13
Updated by Ingmar Schlecht over 20 years ago
It's now fixed in CVS for version 3.6.2 using your suggested patch.