Bug #14241
[php] memory_limit displayed as wrong value
Added by old_mi6 over 20 years ago.
Updated over 18 years ago.
in the "basic configuration" screen, the memory_limit value returned is wrong.
with any value higher than 16m set in php.ini, the error is still displayed.
(issue imported from #M220)
sorry - this report contains various mistakes due to the fact that i had to punch it in three times: "typo3 version" is not marked as a required field so i left it blank because it didn't have 3.6.2 as an option yet.
after submitting, i got a field error not saying which field it was ... hitting the back-button led me to the file report page, but all my input was gone.
corrections of this entry:
- category: install tool
- severity: text (probably)
edited on: 16.07.04 15:38
OK, as I have already written at [1], it would be nice if the people encountering this problem could do the following test:
- Change the memory_limit in the php.ini to 1m
- Restart apache if that's necessary for the change to take effect
- Try to open the extension manager in the Typo3 backend
If the extension manager appears, it's obvious that PHP on your system
in fact works without any memory limit, regardless of the setting in the
php.ini, which would mean the information that the function ini_get()
returns (NULL) is correct, but should be handled as "no limit" by the
install tool (see #14240 ).
If the extension manager or any other PHP script exits with a warning
that the memory limit of 1m is exeeded, we can be sure it's a PHP bug in
the function ini_get() and we might thing about using get_cfg_var() in
case ini_get() returns NULL.
[1] http://typo3.org/documentation/mailing-lists/dev-list-archive/thread/55161/?tx_maillisttofaq_pi1%5Bmode%5D=1#childUid55421
okay, i've tried now with a setting of 1m in php.ini. the extension manager still works fine, same error, of course, in "basic config" window.
hope this helps (wasn't too much work to try, either :) ) !!!
cheers, till
Reminder sent to wwk1
[php] memory_limit displayed as wrong value
fixed in HEAD CVS for Typo3 3.7.
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