



Bug #14568


rte gets slower and slower with each saving

Added by old_PeterEnzenberger over 19 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Should have
RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor)
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In InternetExplorer rtehtmlarea gets slower and slower with each saving of content.
After ten savings its nearl half a minute.
CPU is at 100%
Its not a matter of memory. There are still 200Mbytes free.

(issue imported from #M830)

Actions #1

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 19 years ago

I cannot reproduce the problem with the severity described. However, there is a progressive degradation of performance with IE.
Some improvements aimed at this issue are introduced in version 0.4.44.
Please provide feedback on this version.

Actions #2

Updated by Marc Wöhlken about 19 years ago

I'am experiencing the same problems when using version 0.4.64, IE 6.0.2900.2180 (XP SP2) and Typo3 V3.7.
Contrary to Peter I suppose this is a memory problem because I can see that each time I open a content element using the RTE and close it again I loose about 1.5MB of memory. Right now my IE eats up 198MB of memory.
Workaround: Minimize IE and maximize... Voila! Only about 20MB of memory are used.

Actions #3

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 19 years ago

This problem has generated a lot of changes resulting in increased script size and some improvement.

In version 0.5.5 of htmlArea RTE, there should be no more memory leakage in Mozilla/Firefox browsers.

In IE, there is still a memory leak of 400K to 500k after each unload on Win98ME. Appears to be the same amount even if there are multiple instances of the editor on the page. This may vary depending on the specific Windows platform (assuming that Microsoft is corrrecting its products). More work with be required on this issue.

Actions #4

Updated by Lars Houmark almost 19 years ago

Stanilas, maybe this tool for IE is able to discover IE related memory leaks in the RTE scripts:

It's worth giving a shot IMHO.

Actions #5

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 19 years ago

Thanks for the link. But I was aware of the existence of this tool. Unfortunately, it seems to run only on Windows NT and I do not have access to such system.

Actions #6

Updated by Stanislas Rolland almost 19 years ago

This problem is resolved for all practical purposes.

When used in the front end, the editor has no more memory leakage in IE, even though there may a delay of a few interactions and/or minutes before IE completes its garbage collection (not all garbage seems equal).

In the TYPO3 back end, there is a residual leakage of an average of 50K to 70K per unload. Since this does not occur in the front end, perhaps this leakage could be caused by some other scripts loaded on the TYPO3 back end page. Testing with the Classical RTE revealed that it leaks about 250K per unload in the TYPO3 back end.


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