Bug #14691
Errors/Warnings in T3 Backends upon initializing htmlarea
Added by old_niediek over 19 years ago.
Updated over 18 years ago.
RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor)
I get the following error reports in the Typo-Backend when loading a content-element to be edited with htmlarea:
Warning: reset(): Passed variable is not an array or object in /typo3_src-3.7.0/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php on line 1398
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /typo3_src-3.7.0/t3lib/class.t3lib_div.php on line 1399
And these two lines seem to repeat for every button/function of the rte. So when full options are enabled, these two lines get outputted about 20-30 times.
The editor semms to work fine, though, but nevertheless, this is annoying...
TYPO3 3.7.0 with css_styled_content hosted at "mittwald" (Suse Linux)
Some more ext. installed, but not in the conflicting list...
(issue imported from #M1003)
I made some corrections, although I was not able to reproduce the problem on my installations.
Please re-import version 0.4.72 and tell me if the problem is corrected.
Please tell me what language and character set you are using in back end.
Ok, first my language setup:
###Sprachen definieren
config.sys_language_uid = 0
config.language = de
config.locale_all = de_DE@euro
#config.locale_all = german
Character Set defaults to iso-8859-1
The mentioned problem seems to be fixed although in firefox 1.0 and moz 1.76 the editor-textfield takes VERY! long to load now...
Much longer than it needed to load with the errors displayed!
Assumingly sth. is still wrong...
IE 6.0 displays the standard rte with a reduced optionset, but this could be intended?!
I did furter analysis (using moz 1.76):
The editor itself loads with the buttons and the textfield(and moz is displaying "Done" in the status bar), BUT the textfield stays greyed out for about 3-4minutes before it displays the text to be edited or the white field for entering new text.
I've installed a javascript debugger and it senses two errors:
Error: missing ( before condition
Source File: http://xxxxxxx/index.php?id=25
Line: 554, Column: 27
Source Code:
for (a=0;a<l;a++) if="" fobjseloptionsaselected="1)" retval="" return="" function="" tbe_editor_rawurlencodestrmaxlen="" var="" output="" maxlen="" tbe_editor_str_replacematchreplacestring="" input="" string="" matchstr="" match="" pointer="pos+mat
Error: typo3FormFieldSet is not defined
Source File: http://xxxxxxx/index.php?id=25
Line: 559
Assumingly in FF it'll be the same...
Hopefully this helps!
Cheers, Ben
Do you know where the faulty line comes from? It is not an instruction of the htmlArea RTE.
I'm sorry, i can't reproduce the javascript-errors... they're gone (:roll eyes:)
Stays the problem with the long load time, BUT it seems that when moz,ff loaded the page with the editor and i change the app and switch back again to the browser, everything's fine.
For example, i load a content with the editor, moz says "Done" but the textfield is still grey and unusable. Then i switch to, let's say Firefox or even only to another tab of moz, and right back again, the textfield is white, the text loaded and i'm ready to go...
Probably there's the need to set the focus on the textflield after loading or sth. like that? Weird.
I will close this problem since the original issue has been fixed, otherwise it gets very confusing.
If you still have some problem with version 0.4.72, please submit a new description of the problem.
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