



Feature #14917


Better working interface for Typo3 required

Added by Hannele Markula almost 19 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

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Better working interface for Typo3

The interface of Typo3 is in many situations messy and too complex. The used interface is now modified ‘Skincrystal’. But the same principles fits also for other skins.

I have tried to improve it by adding CSS and editing following core files:

1. alt_main.php – the frameset has been altered ‘Edit ID‘ has been changed to top and the bottom frame has been taken off.
2. alt_doc.php – some new classes and conditions if that page has been used in frontend or backend editing
3. t3lib/class.t3lib_tsfebeuserauth.php – some new classes for better rendering of the admin panel in frontend editing
4. tslib/class.tslib_content.php - some new classes for better rendering of the admin panel in frontend editing
5. template.php – some new classes and container DIV-elements to control better BE-editing
6. typo3/sysext/cms/layout/ class.tx_cms_layout.php – much new classes to control better BE-editing
7. typo3/sysext/cms/layout/ layout_db.php – much new classes and container DIV-elements to control better BE-editing

Simplified ’Columns’ mode

Simplified ‘Quick edit’ mode with fixed order of buttons:

Note that I have put ‘Edit page headers’ after the ‘Undo’ button because corresponding button is in this place in Frontend editing – see the screen capture below:

Note also that the style is the same as buttons on the left.
When you click the button ‘Edit page headers’ you should get back-button. I made it using ‘history.go(-1)’. But that doesn’t always work ok – we should develop a new function for this purpose. That would improve essential editing.

The image is not however the best possible – any good suggestions?
At least now more comfortable usage of Typo3.

The ‘Back’ button could be used also in ‘Columns’ view – indeed not necessary there.

A quite bad missing feature in the ‘Columns’ view is that when you edit the content you don’t have at that state ‘’Edit header information’ – the ‘Quick Edit’ mode has that functionality.

That needs some required files or another function because using the same function as in the ‘Quick Edit’ mode caused following error message:

“Fatal error: Call to undefined function: local_linkthisscript() in /home/int2000/21744/html/typo3/alt_doc.php on line 886. “

I hope that someone could try to add this missing feature. Presumably new function is needed. It is now quite uncomfortable to edit meanwhile page header info and content elements – especially when ‘Columns’ view is used.
Both in ‘Columns’ and ‘Quick Edit’ mode switching between content editing and editing header info should work at least as easy as in TemplaVoila.

More with screen captures

Tapio Markula

(issue imported from #M1365)


InterfaceFixesForTypo3.doc (58.5 KB) InterfaceFixesForTypo3.doc Administrator Admin, 2005-08-10 16:45
Actions #1

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst almost 19 years ago

I think some of your changes like changing the "edit page ID" to top have side-effects. sometimes, there are additional boxes shown in the top frame to modify content (colors, ...).
What exactly is your proposed bug? Do you want to change the TYPO3 interface completely or do you need some more hooks / etc to implement what you did as en extension?

Actions #2

Updated by miikaawaadizi over 18 years ago

I think the backend interface does need a reworking to some degree ... it's not accessible (i.e. doesn't work with assistive technology) very well. that's lost us the ability to bid on at least 3 US Government contracts that would have been perfect for Typo3.

making the frontend output accessible is all well and good ... but the people running the sites are subject to the same requirements to make the backend accessible to their employees as they are to their visitors.

Actions #3

Updated by Sacha Vorbeck over 18 years ago


Actions #4

Updated by miikaawaadizi over 18 years ago

keyword: eAccessibility
keyword: eInclusion
keyword: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
keyword: WAI

keyphrase: only "normal" people should have any expectation of usability?

Actions #5

Updated by Susanne Moog over 13 years ago

As this is pretty old and was never followed-up by anyone I'm closing this bug and suggesting that if something out of it is still valid a new bug (please addressing only one issue at a time) should be opened.


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