



Bug #15423


internal link in frames

Added by Livius over 18 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Should have
RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor)
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This is not a bug. I talk about a feature which I think this rte should have.
When a internal link is created in a frame based site the part type=x is not inserted in the link. Only the default rte which comes with Typo3 kit has this feature. But Htmlarea is more complex and powerfull than default rte.
I hope in a future version this feature will be inside.

(issue imported from #M2276)


frames.jpg (55.8 KB) frames.jpg Administrator Admin, 2006-01-17 10:43

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Feature #15100: typolink should support the title attributeClosedJan-Erik Revsbech2005-10-18

Actions #1

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

But htmlArea RTE uses the same link insertion class as the Classic RTE. How was the type specified?

Actions #2

Updated by Livius over 18 years ago

Maybe I didn't explain this feature properly. I will give here also an example.
I want to make a site with frames. I set the major frame with the name home and has the type 4. I set the Typo3 to keep this as "default frame".
When I insert an internal link with the defaul rte it will appear like this:
when I insert an internal link with htmlarea the link will be:
This means that when I press the link entire site will be open in that frame and so on.
I want to use htmlarea because is more complex and powerfull but this feature keep me back.

Actions #3

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

Where do you set the Typo3 to keep this as "default frame"?

Actions #4

Updated by Livius over 18 years ago

In template, select "Constant editor" and select "Advanced" from category. There you will find: Target for internal links and
Pageframe object.
This two should be set with your frame name.
I attached also a picture.

Actions #5

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

But, this is a frontend rendering setting. It has no effect on the RTE.

You say: When I insert an internal link with the defaul rte it will appear like this:

... "will appear" where?

Actions #6

Updated by Livius over 18 years ago

Yes you have totally right. The default rte look to this settings and render the internal link in the front end by adding that ending "&type=4" but the htmlarea doesn't do this.
And I cannot install Htmlarea and after this to say the redacteurs that everytime when they want to add a link to disable the rte and add in the code "&type=4".

If you want an example I will make one and send the link.

Actions #7

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

No, the default RTE does not look at this setting and is not involved in frontend rendering.

If you look at the source code in the RTE, what do you get in the <a> tag before and after save in both RTE's.

Actions #8

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

Maybe this is a duplicate of

If you erase the title attribute when creating the link in htmlArea RTE, is the url created as in deafult RTE?

Actions #9

Updated by Livius over 18 years ago

Hi Stanislas,

Sorry for my late answer.
I had an exam and I let all the other problems away from me.

Yes you have right. When I delete the the information from title field the problem seems to be solved.
Do you know a solution to apply to the classes ("internal-link" etc.) because I want to have also this possibility to write a title.

Thank you for all your advice.
Best regards,

Actions #10

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

The problem is fixed in TYPO3 4.0.

Until then, there exists a patch for issue 1660.

Or you may add the following line in Page TSConfig:

RTE.config.tt_content.bodytext.proc.entryHTMLparser_db.tags.a.fixAttrib.title.unset = 1

This will erase any title on links.



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