



Bug #15461


DB Field fe_group is empty after migration to beta1+2

Added by Kurt Lochte over 18 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Should have
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Problems after migration from 3.8.1:

1. DB field fe_group of some pages and content elements is empty after migration to beta1+2 and will not be hidden in FE. After setting manually fe_group to 0 they will be displayed.

2. After modifying e.g the page header, fe_group field is empty again.

I'm using TV 0.4.0
(issue imported from #M2327)

Actions #1

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 18 years ago

Ben reported that this might even break installations as pages disappear from the frontend then.
Greets, Sebastian

Actions #2

Updated by Kurt Lochte over 18 years ago

Hello Sebastian,

meanwhile i've tested with the same project under windows (with newest wamp with quickstart). Migration and update of the 3.8.1 database works fine in this case.

So I think we can close this issue. May be there was a problem in my linux installation or in the dummy package.


Actions #3

Updated by old_schluri over 18 years ago

I have the same problem with RC1 and now with RC2. Any solution?


Actions #4

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht over 18 years ago

This is a very important issue and must be fixed for 4.0.

Please check the values of the fe_group field with phpmyadmin before and after the upgrade. Is there any difference? And what fe_group value does a newly created record have after the upgrade to RC2?


Actions #5

Updated by old_schluri over 18 years ago

Before Update the value in the field "fe_groups" is "0". After Upgrade the value for new created pages is blank/space.

MySQL 4.0.23

Actions #6

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht over 18 years ago

Schluri, I must say I'm a bit disappointed by your short reply, it doesn't help me much. Please investigate further if you want this bug to be resolved.

By the way, I just read the initial description of this bug again, and must say I'm a bit confused.

Quoting from the bug description:
"fe_group of some pages and content elements is empty after migration to beta1+2 will not be hidden in FE"

So where is the problem? They should NOT be hidden, should they?

And apart from that, the empty string is correct because in TYPO3 4.0 both values
"" <-- empty string and
"0" <--- just a zero
are allowed for pages/content elements to have NO access control (i.e. are always displayed).


Actions #7

Updated by old_schluri over 18 years ago

Hi Ingmar,

sorry, but this is all what i can say about it.

I create a new page, the Type is "Standard" and the Option "hide page" is not activated. After i save, the page will not displayed in the frontend. So i check the db. I can see, that the field "fe_group" in the table "pages" in the concerned uid line is empty/space. So i change it to "0" and the page will displayed in the frontend.

When i create a new page in an another Typo3 account with 3.81 the db field "fe_group" is always filled with a "0".

I hope this will help you or do you need more infos?


Actions #8

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht over 18 years ago

I just tried to reproduce the bug but it's all working fine on my machine (WAMP, PHP5, MySQL 5).

I don't really know what else you could do for debugging.
Maybe inserting the following two lines into the beginning of the function exec_SELECTquery() from t3lib_db:

$query = $this->SELECTquery($select_fields,$from_table,$where_clause,$groupBy,$orderBy,$limit);
if(strstr($query,'fe_group')) t3lib_div::debug($query);

This prints out all queries that contain the string "fe_group", so you could try to analyse if there is one that would exclude pages having fe_group set to an empty string.

Actions #9

Updated by Kurt Lochte over 18 years ago

Hi Ingmar,

now I tested again with 4.0rc1 on Linux System. The Problem ist still present. After modifying e.g the page title in the properties of a page i will get "The requested page did not exist or was inaccessible." in FE.
The field fe_groups is "", changing it to "0" the page will be displayed.

Pls have a look into the following part of my SQL LOG::
3 Query SELECT *
FROM pages
uid=127 AND pages.deleted=0 AND pages.hidden=0 AND (pages.starttime<=1143758126) AND (pages.endtime=0 OR pages.endtime>1143758126) AND NOT AND doktype<200 AND fe_group IN (0,-1)

3 Query SELECT

Additionally I've inserted the debugging code at the beginning of the function exec_SELECTquery() from t3lib_db . The result is:

........ |SELECT pid,uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_wsid,t3ver_state,t3ver_swapmode,title,alias,nav_title,media,layout,hidden,starttime,endtime,fe_group,extendToSubpages,doktype,TSconfig,storage_pid,is_siteroot,mount_pid,mount_pid_ol,fe_login_mode,tx_templavoila_ds,tx_templavoila_to,tx_templavoila_next_ds,tx_templavoila_next_to FROM pages WHERE uid=127 AND pages.deleted=0 AND pages.doktype!=255||SELECT pid,uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_wsid,t3ver_state,t3ver_swapmode,title,alias,nav_title,media,layout,hidden,starttime,endtime,fe_group,extendToSubpages,doktype,TSconfig,storage_pid,is_siteroot,mount_pid,mount_pid_ol,fe_login_mode,tx_templavoila_ds,tx_templavoila_to,tx_templavoila_next_ds,tx_templavoila_next_to FROM pages WHERE uid=26 AND pages.deleted=0 AND pages.doktype!=255||SELECT pid,uid,t3ver_oid,t3ver_wsid,t3ver_state,t3ver_swapmode,title,alias,nav_title,media,layout,hidden,starttime,endtime,fe_group,extendToSubpages,doktype,TSconfig,storage_pid,is_siteroot,mount_pid,mount_pid_ol,fe_login_mode,tx_templavoila_ds,tx_templavoila_to,tx_templavoila_next_ds,tx_templavoila_next_to FROM pages WHERE uid=13 AND pages.deleted=0 AND pages.doktype!=255||SELECT pages.uid,sys_domain.redirectTo,sys_domain.prepend_params FROM pages,sys_domain WHERE AND sys_domain.hidden=0 AND (sys_domain.domainName='' OR sys_domain.domainName='') AND pages.deleted=0 AND pages.hidden=0 AND (pages.starttime<=1143760008) AND (pages.endtime=0 OR pages.endtime>1143760008) AND NOT AND doktype<200 AND fe_group IN (0,-1) LIMIT 1||SELECT * FROM pages WHERE uid=127 AND pages.deleted=0 AND pages.hidden=0 AND (pages.starttime<=1143760008) AND (pages.endtime=0 OR pages.endtime>1143760008) AND NOT AND doktype<200 AND fe_group IN (0,-1)|

I hope this will help to solve the problem.

Greets, Kurt

Actions #10

Updated by Kurt Lochte over 18 years ago

.. tested with 4.0rc2 and got the same problems.

Greets Kurt

Actions #11

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht over 18 years ago

Hi Kurt,

thanks for the good debug output!

I just searched the TYPO3 Core for the string "fe_group IN (" but couldn't find a single file containing it, so I assume the error is caused by an extension.

So please:
1 - Provide a list of extensions installed on your system (especially those that use XCLASSes)

2 - Search for the string "fe_group IN (" in all files of your TYPO3 installation, too


Actions #12

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht about 18 years ago

Hi Stucki,

I just changed the priority of this bug back to normal, because it seems to be a problem with certain extensions only (still to be confirmed) and thus no 4.0-blocker.


Actions #13

Updated by Kurt Lochte about 18 years ago

We can be happy!

Some hours ago i build again a base rc2 system and installed all my extensions step by step. The Problem will be caused definitively by the extension "error_404_handling".

So it's not a 4.0 problem.


Actions #14

Updated by old_schluri about 18 years ago

Now i have deinstalled the extension "error_404_handling" but the problem still exists. Does the extension modified any other typo3 files? Or i must install a new and clean typo3?

I found the string "fe_group IN (" in the file "class.ux_tslib_fe.php" from the extension "error_404_handling".

Many thanks.


Actions #15

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht about 18 years ago

Thanks, Kurt, for the feedback. I have sent a mail to the autohr of the 404 error handling extension Boris Nicolai and informed him about the problems.

@Schluri, probably it's just a different extensions causing the problem on your installation. Please uninstall all extensions step by step and report back here which extension caused your problem, or if the problem is still present after uninstalling all extensions.


Actions #16

Updated by Kurt Lochte about 18 years ago

Many Thanks Ingmar,

meanwhile my website is live with rc2. I've resolved some symlink problems with ee_blog and mailformplus, but it's stable now - hopefully :-)

With kind regards

Actions #17

Updated by old_schluri about 18 years ago

Hi Ingmar,

now i have deinstalled all extensions, but the problem still exists. But i found the string "fe_group IN (" in the file /tslib/class.tslib_fe.php in line 1200. The file is from 22.01.2006.

In the downloadpackages from RC1 and RC2 there was no directory "tslib". Are this old files from 3.8x ???

Many thanks.


Actions #18

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht about 18 years ago

Yes, they must be old scripts.
Seems like you didn't remove all old source directories when upgrading.


Actions #19

Updated by old_schluri about 18 years ago

But typo3 needs the dir "tslib", or not?

So what is the best way what i can do?

Many thanks.


Actions #20

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht about 18 years ago

No, 4.0 doesn't need tslib/ anymore. Tslib is now in typo3/sysext/cms/tslib/.

So what you should do:
- remove the folders tslib/, media/, typo3/, t3lib/ and the files index.php and showpic.php from your installation (Instead of removing them, you can also move them to a temporary folder for having a backup. But they MUST be out of the way!)
- download the rc2 source
- copy all folders from the rc2 source package to your typo3 installation


Actions #21

Updated by old_schluri about 18 years ago

Hi Ingmar,

many thanks. This was my mistake... :o(


Actions #22

Updated by Ingmar Schlecht about 18 years ago

This was not a but but something caused by buggy extensions in one case and unclean upgrade in the other case.


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