



Bug #15603


RTE.default.enableWordClean = 1 and german Umlauts

Added by Daniel Gercke over 18 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Should have
RTE (rtehtmlarea + ckeditor)
Target version:
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% Done:


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If this feature is enabled and content is pasted into rte, all german umlauts will be converted/destroyed on utf8 site.

tested only in firefox
(issue imported from #M2530)


beispiel.txt (2.83 KB) beispiel.txt Administrator Admin, 2006-02-27 15:34
rte_umlaut_problem.gif (26.6 KB) rte_umlaut_problem.gif Administrator Admin, 2006-03-18 01:08
Actions #1

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

Please explain: I cannot reproduce this problem.

What version of htmlArea RTE? Pasting from? Please attach a file to paste from to reproduce the problem.

Actions #2

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

I cannot reproduce this problem with the attached example on a utf-8 backend with htmlArea RTE version 1.2

Actions #3

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

Reopened on request from Jörg Wagner.

Actions #4

Updated by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago

I can confirm the effect on several windows based servers (two WinXP testing servers, one Win2003 live server).
The clients (all Windows) use IE and FF. On some client machines the problem can be reproduced using both browsers, on others only FF reproduces the problem.
The problem vanishes when RTE.default.enableWordClean is set 0.
I affects all non ASCII characters such as umlauts, accented characters, typographical quotes. The affected chars are replaced by combinations of two characters (looking very much like UTF-8 combinations).

As Stanislas could not reproduce it, it might be either dependant on the client OS or even the server OS. I will send access codes to an affected system by personal email to Stanislas.

I attach a screenshot that shows the problem.

Problem confirmed on these systems:
htmlArea 1.2.0
Typo3 beta3 & RC1
Windows XP / 2003
Clients Windows FF & IE

Actions #5

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

I removed plugin TYPO3HtmlParser from the list of available htmlArea plugins. Since no parsing configuration is provided, it should not have been activated. I will check why it was.

Then, I have to see why the character set conversion occurs when the plugin is used.

Actions #6

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 18 years ago

This is now fixed in TYPO3core cvs, branch TYPO3_4-0.


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