Bug #15723
closedutf-8 breaks in languagelabels set by PageTSconfig
the problem occurs if the backend's charset is turned to utf-8 (it should also occur with other charsets, but I didn't test it).
If you change languagelabels with PageTSconfig like:
TCEFORM.tt_content.header_layout.altLabels.2 = schöne Überschrift
then this label won't be interpreted as utf-8 in the BE forms, because the language labels are shown in their country specific charset. So if you change the label with pageTSconfig the label isn't stored anymore in the charset of the specific language but in the BE charset. If this is utf-8 the label gets displayed in the wrong charset.
Why don't save all language files in utf-8? Then there won't be those Problems with any charset in the future, as it should occur with any label that is stored in an other charset than the BE data is.
(issue imported from #M2833)
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 16 years ago
Not confirmed for 4.2.1
Confirmed for 4.1.7
As this is solved in latest stable, this bug will probably not be solved in old stable 4.1 branch.