



Bug #15727


File > Filelist module's context menu fails in IE when German language pack is installed (AJAX related problem!)

Added by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago. Updated almost 18 years ago.

Should have
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After installation and activation of German language pack (csh_de) in BE the File > Filelist module (then called "Datei > Dateiliste") does not show context menus any more when clicking on the icon of any file using IE6 as a browser on Windows. FireFox in contrast works fine.
When JS debugger is installed in IE, it reports a JS error in Line 134 of file filelist.php:
"null" is Null or not an object
Attention: Line 134 is counted here in the HTML-Output of filelist.php, not in the original PHP file. The error takes place in the first line of JS function showClickmenu_ajax():
if (t3ajax.getElementsByTagName("data")[0]) {
Further debugging with the JS debugger shows that the variable t3ajax in the above condition is Null and thus causes the error!

Local System:
Win XP, SP2

Reproducable with Typo3 running either on local machine or on external server, but in both cases only tested with Apache2 running on Windows, with PHP4.4.
(issue imported from #M2703)

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Is duplicate of TYPO3 Core - Bug #15657: left-click in filelist is broken (IE6)ClosedBenni Mack2006-02-17

Actions #1

Updated by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago

Additional information:
- Problem does not occur when original English language is selected as BE language!
- TemplaVoila 1.0.0 beta is installed on the testing system. Maybe this is related to the problem, as TV adds a context menu entry to the filelist module.

Actions #2

Updated by Tobias Hoevelborn over 18 years ago

related / same issue:
i can confirm this problem

Actions #3

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 18 years ago

Sorry, I don't have an internet explorer at hand for testing. Can someone check where the problem comes from and maybe provide a bugfix?

Greets, Sebastian

Actions #4

Updated by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago

As suspected allready, the problem is also related to TemplaVoila 1.0.0beta. It does NOT occur on a system where TV is not installed. Probably because TV adds one entry to filelist's context menu.

So at least these two conditions must be met to reproduce the problem:
1. German BE language pack csh_de must be installed (or maybe just any other Non-English pack - not sure about that)
2. TemplaVoila 1.0.0beta must be installed (it expands the filelist context menu by one entry, which seems to lead to the problem)

Actions #5

Updated by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago

Hello Sebastian,

Sorry, I don't have an internet explorer at hand ...

Would it be of any help if I would provide you VNC access to one of my local Win-Boxes? If so, please contact me (I suppose you are able to get my email address from the bug tracking system?)

Actions #6

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 18 years ago

ok, we continue the discussion in 2605.
Greets, Sebastian


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