



Bug #15657


left-click in filelist is broken (IE6)

Added by old_holdi1980 over 18 years ago. Updated over 14 years ago.

Should have
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a left-button-mouse-click has no effect in the filelist in IE 6.0, so I can't rename, delete or something else!

in FF it works..

the same problem was in the two older beta versions!

(issue imported from #M2605)

Related issues 3 (0 open3 closed)

Related to TYPO3 Core - Bug #15951: clickmenu on pagetree icons does not workClosedDmitry Dulepov2006-03-30

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #15727: File > Filelist module's context menu fails in IE when German language pack is installed (AJAX related problem!)ClosedSebastian Kurfuerst2006-02-27

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #16195: Left click on a file icon in the "filelist" module create a JS errorClosedBenni Mack2006-05-29

Actions #1

Updated by Wolfgang Klinger over 18 years ago

I can't confirm that with IE6 and the latest version from CVS,
anybody else?

Do you get Javascript errors or something?

Actions #2

Updated by Tobias Hoevelborn over 18 years ago

I can confirm that error in IE 6, even with the current CVS Version.
Get JavaScript error (translated from german):

Line: 134
Char: 6
Error: 'null' is Null or no object
Code: 0

Actions #3

Updated by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago

related / same issue:

At least these two conditions must be met to reproduce the problem:
1. German BE language pack csh_de must be installed (or maybe just any other Non-English pack - not sure about that)
2. TemplaVoila 1.0.0beta must be installed (it expands the filelist context menu by one entry, which seems to lead to the problem)

Actions #4

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst over 18 years ago

Hi holdi1980 and Tobias Hövelborn, can you confirm you use some other language than English and TV installed?

Greets, Sebastian

Actions #5

Updated by Philipp Holdener over 18 years ago

Hello Sebastian.. yes, I'm using the csh_de and the TemplaVoila 1.0beta Extension!

Actions #6

Updated by Tobias Hoevelborn over 18 years ago

H1 Sebastian, I'm using csh_de and TV 1.0beta as well.

Actions #7

Updated by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago

To have all current info together in this thread, here are the relevant parts from the description in bug report 2703:
When JS debugger is installed in IE, it reports a JS error in Line 134 of file filelist.php:
"null" is Null or not an object
Attention: Line 134 is counted here in the HTML-Output of filelist.php, not in the original PHP file. The error takes place in the first line of JS function showClickmenu_ajax():
if (t3ajax.getElementsByTagName("data")[0]) {
Further debugging with the JS debugger shows that the variable t3ajax in the above condition is Null and thus causes the error!
Local System:
Win XP, SP2

Reproducable with Typo3 running either on local machine or on external server (WinXP / Win2003, Apache2, PHP4.4).

Actions #8

Updated by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago

I just updated from TV0.5.0 to TV 0.6.0 - and the problem persists.

Actions #9

Updated by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago

Another detail...

As said before the problem does not occur in FireFox. But FF gives a possible hint to what happens behind the scenes:
When no language pack is installed (BE is shown in English) the TemplaVoila item in Filelist's context menu is displayed as "TemplaVoilà". As soon as csh_de is installed the TV entry is displayed in FireFox as "TemplaVoil?" (accented "a" replaced by questionmark).
As csh_de (as far as I know) does not contain any TV strings, it seems that activating a language pack somehow generally changes the way accented characters in context menus are processed.

Actions #10

Updated by J¶rg Wagner over 18 years ago

Problem persists with:

Typo3 4.0 RC1
+ new German language Pack "de.tgz"

Actions #11

Updated by Philipp Holdener over 18 years ago

It doesn't work under RC2 too!

Actions #12

Updated by Andi Zaugg about 18 years ago

Problem persists with:
Typo3 4.0 RC3

Actions #13

Updated by Rafael Sch¤r about 18 years ago

other eventhandler, same action:
also right click doesn't work in >= IE 6



Actions #14

Updated by Sebastian Kurfuerst about 18 years ago

sorry, I cannot do anything about it... :/ Maybe somebody else can take it?
Greets, Sebastian

Actions #15

Updated by Rupert Germann about 18 years ago

found it! :-)
the á (á) character in the clickmenu title of templavoila causes the problem.
to fix it you can install the llxml extension from TER, open the file ext/templavoila/locallang.xml and change the word "Templavoilá" to "Templavoila" (in all languages)
after saving the file it worked for me in FF and IE (6)
please confirm.

I move the bug to the templavoila project.

Actions #16

Updated by J¶rg Wagner about 18 years ago

Hi Rupert,

IMHO your fix is a workaround, but not a solution.
I think this is not a TV bug, but a bug of the menu related AJAX routines in conjunction with non-ASCII characters in menu items.

I am afraid that this can happen again at any time with localized menus, so removing the cause and not the symptom would be advisable.

Just my 1.5 cents. ;)


Actions #17

Updated by Robert Lemke about 18 years ago

I removed the accent from "TemplaVoila" but as far as I could see, the labels for the context menus should be char-converted somewhere in the core, not in the extension. I use $LANG->getLLL with the htmlspecialchar parameter set which -theoretically should also take care of the character set.

As the locallang.xml is utf-8, this problem only appears in backends not having forceCharset=utf-8.

Moving report back to core project ;-)

Actions #18

Updated by old_philgag about 18 years ago

Just wanted to add that the problem exist too with the french language pack.

Actions #19

Updated by Andreas Balzer about 18 years ago

the problem does not only occur with templavoilà, but with any extension that's using ´ ` or ^ (as far as i see here).. I do not have Templavoila installed, but the same problem.

Actions #20

Updated by Niels Vornholt about 18 years ago

I really don´t know if that helps, but:
I had the same issue with the ext tiny_rte installed. no context menus.
i realized that in the ajax-returned xml there were a lot of linebreaks in the beginning (just before the declaration starts).
so i first converted all php-files from tiny_rte from DOS to UNIX using dos2unix. afterwards i converted everything from ISO to UTF-8 (i think this is the most important thing...).
than i found a php-file which has a couple of linebreaks after the php-closing-tag.
i erased them and -> bang! context-menus were working again!

i don´t use TV with T3 4.0 but perhaps it helps finding the gremlin here...



Actions #21

Updated by Stefan Bothner almost 17 years ago


i also had that problem and within the ext_localconf of ext (ext key: do_not_temp_cache) Disable Temporary Cache. There where one linebreak
before php-opening-tag and after php-closing-tag.



Actions #22

Updated by Ansgar Brauner almost 17 years ago


i got the problem with the click-menus also. I already disabled all extensions except the system ones (cms etc).

I have the Problem only on one site. There are other sites on the same server with the same T3 version without this problem.

The Problem occures in T3-Version 4.1.1 and 4.1.2.

Actions #23

Updated by Benni Mack about 16 years ago

Does this one still occur with TYPO3 4.2.1 ?

Actions #24

Updated by Benni Mack over 14 years ago

I am closing this issue, there was no feedback in the last 18 months, and it seems that the duplicates of this bug has been resolved.


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