Bug #15981
closedFirefox crashes when transforming string seperated by dots into Links
When running under Firefox (tested with 1.0.7 and 1.5.0 under Windows) the editor tries to make a link out of every string separated by two or more dots as soon as I press the spacebar, regardless whether the string starts with http, www etc or not. (IE only transforms, if the string starts with something suggesting this really is a link).
As long as the string starts with http or www, also under Firefox everything is fine, but if I trie to insert for example a TS or JS object-path, the transformation time increases exponentially according to the number of dots.
If I type arma.virumque.cano.troiae.qui.primus it takes seven minutes until the transformation is done. I tried one dot more and waited over half an hour. Nothing happened, so I had to take the gun and shoot the poor frozen fox down.
I am currently working with TYPO3 4.0rc2 and rtehtmlarea 1.3.6, but the behaviour occurs also using 4.0beta2 with 1.1.6 and 1.2.
I hope this really counts as a bug and not due to my newbie-stupiditie
(issue imported from #M3120)