Feature #16460
closedImage zoom if width > X px
Introducing new constant, e.g. styles.content.imgtext.minZoomW, which would enable JS zoom for current image if it is wider than {$styles.content.imgtext.minZoomW}.
I.e. we want to make sure the original image is big enough to be shown in the click-enlarge-popup.
TS would look something this:
tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap.enable.value = {$styles.content.imgtext.minZoomW}
tt_content.image.20.1.imageLinkWrap.enable.isGreaterThan = WIDTH OF CURRENT IMAGE
This TS code won't work currently, since we cannot get image width at the moment of execution.
Default value for styles.content.imgtext.minZoomW would be styles.content.imgtext.maxWInText - so FE won't enable zoom of image which is already displayed in the text, in the full size.
(issue imported from #M4028)