Feature #16634
closedHook-Request for typo3/class.db_list.inc
with the release of typo3_src-4.0 we have enhanced the service-table in extension 'civserv' with ws_versioning.
Therefore have introduced a hook in typo3/class.db_list.inc in the makeQueryArray subroutine. We would now like to ask for this hook to be added to the official TYPO3 distribution.
I include a patch for the hook
diff -u -r -N class.db_list.inc class.db_list.user > patch-typo3_db_list_inc-typo3_db_list_user-4.0.2
Further explanation:
In the civserv-extension service-records can be related to position-records.
I.E. an be_editor determines who will displayed in FE as a contact person for a given service the community is offering to the public.
Service-records are versioned while position-records are not. (This may be compared to news and categories in the tt_news-extension) We use the hook in the BE in order to display the list of positions (contact persons) related to the services (or versions of services!) in a workspace.
Kind regards!
(issue imported from #M4361)