Bug #16646
closedsysfolder happens to have pages.fe_group = ''
The pages.fe_group should only have integers as values and not be empty or blank. However when you have a sysfolder and change the access (Zugriff) you get -1 to hide at login. When you set it empty you have ' ' in the fe_group field instead of '0'.
Therefore the page will not get shown in the frontend. This field is defined as Not NULL in the database. A group identifier should always be a number and not be empty or blank.
(issue imported from #M4396)
Updated by Michael Stucki about 18 years ago
I don't catch the point. Sysfolders are never visible in the frontend, so why should one change the visibility settings for them?
Updated by Franz Holzinger about 18 years ago
Sysfolders have a special type which could be used to not show them in frontend.
But e.g. with pages as categories in tt_products this should also get visible in frontend to display it as the title of a category.
I want to use the normal query generation with fe_group in (0, -1) to select it.
Updated by Franz Holzinger about 18 years ago
I exactly need the following query to get the page record found. I want to get rid of the additional "OR pages.fe_group = ' '". The fe_group should not have a blank string. It should at least be a number.
SELECT fe_group
FROM pages
WHERE 1 =1
AND pages.deleted =0
AND pages.hidden =0
pages.starttime <=1161018154
pages.endtime =0
OR pages.endtime >1161018154
IN ( 0 , -1 )
OR pages.fe_group = ' '
AND pages.uid =1183
LIMIT 0 , 30
Updated by Alexander Opitz over 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Needs Feedback
- Target version deleted (
0) - PHP Version deleted (
The issue is very old, does this issue exists in newer versions of TYPO3 CMS (4.5 or 6.1)?
Updated by Alexander Opitz about 11 years ago
- Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
No feedback for over 90 days.