Bug #16766
closedIRRE relation to the same table shows new records twice
When making an IRRE inline relation to the same table as the parent table, tceforms shows the sub-record twice after saving [once (correctly) inside the parent record, and once underneath the parent record].
This has to do with alt_doc.php showing forms for all new items automatically if the tablename was in the $this->editconf array beforehand already (which is the case here, because the parent and the child table are the same).
(issue imported from #M4616)
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 18 years ago
In which general case does it happen, that more than one record is created on the same table? If this doen't occur otherwise, we could just take the first record which is in fact the parent record.
Updated by Oliver Hader almost 18 years ago
The easiest way would have been to just take the first record as mentioned in my last note. But I couldn't make out, what could come in conflict than or in other words: Why exactly has alt_doc.php this check?
So, I integrated a new variable $newRelatedIDs in TCEmain, that stores related child records. These records are not used for redirecting to.
See the attached patch.
Updated by Ingmar Schlecht almost 18 years ago
This is fixed in the beta2-patch, right?