



Feature #17498


Auto resizing of images placed with "Drag 'n Drop"

Added by Robert Destigter over 17 years ago. Updated over 13 years ago.

Should have
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When adding images to the Richt Text Editor (RTE), images are not resized when using the tab "Drag'n Drop".

The original file is placed instead of an temporary image resized by image magick. This is not the case when adding an image via the tab "New Magic Image". Selecting an image their will create a resized copy of the image.

Is it possible to enabe RTE to resize images selected by "Drag'n Drop"?
This tab is used more often because of the option to upload images.

(issue imported from #M6079)


newmagicimage.gif (10.4 KB) newmagicimage.gif Administrator Admin, 2008-01-23 09:42
Actions #1

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 17 years ago

"This tab is used more often because of the option to upload images."

But upload is also available on tab "New Magic Image".

Actions #2

Updated by Robert Destigter about 17 years ago

What version of RTE are you using than? I started this topic usering RTE 1.5.1 and check the RTE version of TYPO3 4.2 Alpha 3, but both versions do not have an upload function on the "New Magic Image" tab.

Actions #3

Updated by Robert Destigter about 17 years ago

The attached image is a print screen of the RTE version 1.6.4dev released together with TYPO3 4.2 Alpha 3

Actions #4

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 17 years ago

You need to set User TSConfig property options.uploadFieldsInTopOfEB=1

I think that the manual needs to be updated, as it refers only to the file tab of the Insert link dialogue in relation to this property.

But it does also apply to all file selection tabs of the element browser.

options.createFoldersInEB also applies here.

Actions #5

Updated by Robert Destigter about 17 years ago

Adding "options.uploadFieldsInTopOfEB = 1" to the TSconfig of my usergroup added the upload fields. So far that's good.

Would I be able to disable the Drag'n Drop tab? If not I think it still would be a nice feature if you could force resizing of images even when they are dragged and dropped. Especially for users who need a userfriendly enviroment and don't want to be concerned about image sizes.

Actions #6

Updated by Stanislas Rolland about 17 years ago

You can disable the drag and drop tab: buttons.image.options.removeItems = dragdrop

Creating the magic image upon drop is not so obvious... Will keep the feature request open.

Actions #7

Updated by Robert Destigter about 17 years ago

It was blindImageOptions instead of buttons.image.options.removeItem

Thanks for the support.

Actions #8

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov over 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed
  • Target version deleted (0)
  • TYPO3 Version set to 4.0

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