Bug #17700
closedAllow ignoring of the the no_cache parameter
The &no_cache parameter is the number one reason for unneccessarily slowing down a website.
There are better ways to turn off caching for certain parts of a website, therefore the parameter should be removed.
This will require lots of extensions to be changed, therefore I suggest to introduce this change in two steps:
1. Allow disabling of the parameter so that developers can see what would break
2. Finally, enable the parameter by default
(issue imported from #M6547)
Updated by Michael Stucki about 17 years ago
This patch is considered as experimental, but it should be added to TYPO3core as soon as possible so that developers can start fixing their extensions...
Updated by Ingo Renner almost 17 years ago
feaure, therefore removed from the 4.2 roadmap
Updated by Michael Stucki over 16 years ago
Committed in revision 3373.