



Bug #17739


htmlarea insert image, link, table not working

Added by James Knuckey over 16 years ago. Updated about 16 years ago.

Should have
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typo 4.1.2 with htmlarea rte 1.5.3 sysext

When I click insert link, picture or table not only does it fail to work, but the whole page reloads and wipes out all unsaved changes.

All the other buttons work fine. At first I thought it might be a js popup issue, but the "insert special character" popup works fine.

Same fault on Opera 9.24 and FIrefox The same buttons do nothing at all on IE7, they don't even reload the page.

Interestingly in order to get it working in the first place, I had to uninstall the extension then install it again. Before that just the plain text editor was appearing with no option to enable/disable the RTE.

I'm using the typo3 winstaller on a winxp system.

(issue imported from #M6623)

Actions #1

Updated by James Knuckey over 16 years ago

Apologies! I just checked again, insert table is working brilliantly!

So the two functions that are not working are insert link and insert image.

I'm not worried about the insert image function because the built-in typo3 text+image function is great. But inserting hyperlinks is essential for the folk here who will be adding content to the site. I don't want them to have to add (potentially broken) code.

Actions #2

Updated by James Knuckey over 16 years ago

Further notes:

I have turned on troubleshooting and the output shows no trouble.

The one problem I have found is under the Information section for the extension in Ext Manager:

Code warnings:
(developer-relevant) It seems like there is a backend module in "mod1/conf.php" which is not configured in ext_emconf.php
The XCLASS filename-key "ext/rtehtmlarea/class.tx_rtehtmlarea_base.php" was different from "ext/rtehtmlarea/backup of class.tx_rtehtmlarea_base.php" which it should have been!

... I don't understand this. I have not changed the extension in the slightest! I have uninstalled and reinstalled it, that is all.

Please help!

Actions #3

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 16 years ago

Where did you get this copy of extension rtehtmlarea?

Actions #4

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 16 years ago

You should use your complete name when posting to this bug tracker.

Actions #5

Updated by James Knuckey over 16 years ago

Updated my profile.

It's the htmlarea rte extension that was included with typo3 4.1.2.

Actions #6

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 16 years ago

Delete the extension and get a fresh copy. Your site is corrupted.

There is no rtehtmlarea/mod1 directory in the rtehtmlarea extension distributed with TYPO3 4.1.2, nor is there a file rtehtmlarea/backup of class.tx_rtehtmlarea_base.php

I still do not see your full name.

Actions #7

Updated by James Knuckey over 16 years ago

thanks will do on Monday.

Strange, I added my full name to my typo3 login (the only place it appears I can edit my profile) and it hasn't synced with my bugtracker profile. I'll have another look.

Actions #8

Updated by James Knuckey over 16 years ago

Hi, I uninstalled the rtehtmlarea extension, deleted the folder and all its contents, and inserted the rtehemlarea folder from typo3_src-4.1.2.tar.gz I downloaded directly from

No change. All works exept insert link and insert image, which just reload the current page and wipe all unsaved changes when clicked.

I notice 4.1.3 is out. Should I update?

There is a difference now in what the ext manager information is showing for htmlarea RTE. The only problem it is now showing us under "Files Changed?":

<b>A difference between the originally installed version and the current was detected!</b>

Modified files:

This is a bit odd because this source is what I used in the first place!

EDIT: on a side note, my full name is James Knuckey. I have submitted bug report #0006656 regarding my profile not syncing with my bugtracker profile.

Actions #9

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 16 years ago

Is the rtehtmlarea directory inside typo3/sysext directory?

What Default Configuration Settings are you using?

Actions #10

Updated by Francois Suter over 16 years ago

By the way I observe the described behaviour with the trunk version (1.6.2dev). Any popup causes it actually, including the About window. The popup appears, closes itself right away and the page reloads.

Actions #11

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 16 years ago

I cannot reproduce this behavior neither with 1.5.3, nor with 1.6.2dev.

Try to delete all files in typo3temp with names starting with 'rtehtmlarea_' and to clear the browser cache.

Actions #12

Updated by Francois Suter over 16 years ago

Unfortunately, the problem persists. Here's what I did:

- removed all the files called rtehtmlarea* from typo3temp
- deleted the directory called typo3temp/rtehtmlarea
- cleared the browser cache

When all that is done, the popup window seems to come up normally, but closes automatically after about 5 seconds. After is has closed, the frame with the content element is reloaded.

Note that I don't have this behaviour with current production version (1.5.4), but only with trunk (1.6.2dev).

I thought the problem might have been related to the latest Firefox update (, but I tried with an old-ish version of Camino (which is also Mozzilla-based) and observed the same behaviour. I can't test with IE right now...

Actions #13

Updated by Francois Suter over 16 years ago

Just to be complete, I'm using rtehtmlarea 1.6.2dev in conjunction with latest SVN version of TYPO3.

Actions #14

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 16 years ago

Please open a separate issue for 1.6.2dev. Obviously it is not the same problem as the one originally reported in this issue. Please report any javascript error showing up on the console.

Actions #16

Updated by James Knuckey over 16 years ago

Okay. I've had time to properly look at the problem. I removed and deleted the extension, deleted all references to it I could find. Then I added it back in from typo3 source and installed it again... And now it does work - except for in Opera.

Seems I have gotten it down to a browser-specific problem.

I un-ticked the "Enable the RTE in Opera 9" and the RTE did not load in Opera - but it worked fine in FF and IE. In these browsers, I'm finally seeing the popup dialog for inserting links and images.

I ticked the "enable in Opera" box again and the RTE now works ok in Opera - except for the insert-link and insert-image buttons, which are doing the same as before: no popup when I click, just reloads the edit page and wiping out unsaved changes.

FF and IE are continuing to work. So it's ok I can use another browser - it would be nice to be able to use Opera as I use it for everything else. Then again, the ones who will be using the RTE most will be the content editors, not me, and they're generally using either FF or IE anyway. For the time being I'll have to tell them to specifically not use Opera, which irks me a little bit.

Actions #17

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 16 years ago

Did you delete all files with names starting with 'rtehtmlarea_' in directory typo3temp?

Did you clear the cache of the Opera browser?

I cannot reproduce this problem using Opera 9.24. Could you report any javascript error displayed by Opera on its Error console?

Actions #18

Updated by James Knuckey over 16 years ago

Well what do you know! Clearing Opera's cache got rid of the problem finally! I shoulda thought of that shouldn't I. :)

I still don't know exactly how I got the problem in the first place. I shall be extra careful with extensions from now on. This problem has actually helped me understand the extension system a lot more.

Mr Rolland I very much appreciate your prompt replies even though it wasn't strictly a bug. I think. I can see you are very motivated to make this a good extension! Great support, thank you very much.


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