Bug #18268
page tree doesn't collapse in IE7
Added by Dirk Diebel almost 17 years ago.
Updated over 16 years ago.
the page tree doesn't collapse to the left under IE 7.
if i click on the bar, nothing happens. also there is no javascript error thrown.
(issue imported from #M7610)
Do you have any extensions installed?
Maybe an extension is XCLASSing the pagetree and does not load the new features...
a good point, i've installed some page tree extension.
i tried to figure out which of them disturbs the collapse-functions, but without success. Right now, i've installed all the extensions like before, and now it works. strange!
i will have a look at it, and inform you, if it happens again.
Could you send me a list of all extensions you've installed? maybe I can reproduce it then...
Any news on this problem? I still don't encounter any problems with the page tree in 4.2
i tries to reproduced it on differend webs, but i didn't get it.
so, i think we can close this ticket.
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