Bug #18695
closedNot saving the changes made in Template Tool
- When making changes to "Constants" and "Setup" in the "info/modify" section of "Template Tool", the given changes are not saved.
- tested in IE7, and Opera 9.27 - both experience the same problem
- in Firefox, it is working fine
Happening in 4.2.0, 4.2.0RC2, 4.2.0RC1
(issue imported from #M8241)
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
This issue continues to happen in 4.2.0. Only Firefox saves the TypoScript changes performed in Template Tools (Info/Modify).
Updated by Tijmen Stam over 16 years ago
I can confirm this also happens in:
- IE7 on windows Vista (with IE7 Pro)
The desired behaviour (the edits are saved) happen in
- Konqueror 3.5.7 on kde 3.5.7. on Gentoo Linux
- Mozilla Firefox on Gentoo Linux
- Mozilla Firefox on windows Vista
I wasn't able to get to the page in
- Netscape Communicator 4.79 on windows Vista (Archaic, I know)
- Lynx (unknown version) on windows Vista (which gave a nice "your browser is incompatible with typo3" notice)
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Finally someone noticed this behaviour. Thank you, Tijmen. I thought that my reports are just ignored.
I am just adding: I am surprised that it got to the stable version. I announced it for the first time for the RC.
Second addition: Does it mean that no one is using TypoScript? I can't believe!
Please notice also bug No. 0008202. It is a similarly serious problem. Thank you. These all are new bugs (i.e., not before 4.2.0 XX); the result of the "new development".
Updated by Tijmen Stam over 16 years ago
Tomas: I was reporting bugs of my own and was just confirming your bug report - however I had run into this bug allready. I just thought it was a "feature" - when you read "click edit to view" one way or the other, it sounds slightly logical that you can't edit (because you're only viewing)
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
Dear Tijmen,
I don't understand how you mean it. This is a clear bug. Imagine, you change 20 lines of TypoScript, only to find out that upon saving, your changes are discarded in some browsers. For me, it was a big surprise, as it never happened before v.4.2.0.
Updated by Andreas Dörler over 16 years ago
Same problem with IE6, no problems with Firefox.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
Updated by Tijmen Stam over 16 years ago
Tomas: I first saw it in IE and thought it was an view-only-field, and it was meant as such, and it was an error you could also edit.
Only upon reading this bug report, I realised the error was the other way around.
Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago
to work around you can use the "Click here to edit whole template record " button. Saving of setup and constants will work. It does not using edit setup or edit constants only feature.
Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 15 years ago
I remember we did some fix in this area, so is this still an issue?
Updated by Christian Kuhn over 14 years ago
Resolved, no change required after a month without feedback.
Please re-open if this is still a valid issue.