



Bug #18695


Not saving the changes made in Template Tool

Added by Anonymous over 16 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Should have
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- When making changes to "Constants" and "Setup" in the "info/modify" section of "Template Tool", the given changes are not saved.
- tested in IE7, and Opera 9.27 - both experience the same problem
- in Firefox, it is working fine

Happening in 4.2.0, 4.2.0RC2, 4.2.0RC1
(issue imported from #M8241)

Related issues 2 (0 open2 closed)

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #18627: Cannot save templates in the template moduleClosedChristian Kuhn2008-04-17

Has duplicate TYPO3 Core - Bug #18355: Modul Template - Info/Modify dont save changesClosedChristian Kuhn2008-03-03

Actions #1

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago

This issue continues to happen in 4.2.0. Only Firefox saves the TypoScript changes performed in Template Tools (Info/Modify).

Actions #2

Updated by Tijmen Stam over 16 years ago

I can confirm this also happens in:
- IE7 on windows Vista (with IE7 Pro)

The desired behaviour (the edits are saved) happen in
- Konqueror 3.5.7 on kde 3.5.7. on Gentoo Linux
- Mozilla Firefox on Gentoo Linux
- Mozilla Firefox on windows Vista

I wasn't able to get to the page in
- Netscape Communicator 4.79 on windows Vista (Archaic, I know)
- Lynx (unknown version) on windows Vista (which gave a nice "your browser is incompatible with typo3" notice)

Actions #3

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago

Finally someone noticed this behaviour. Thank you, Tijmen. I thought that my reports are just ignored.

I am just adding: I am surprised that it got to the stable version. I announced it for the first time for the RC.

Second addition: Does it mean that no one is using TypoScript? I can't believe!

Please notice also bug No. 0008202. It is a similarly serious problem. Thank you. These all are new bugs (i.e., not before 4.2.0 XX); the result of the "new development".

Actions #4

Updated by Tijmen Stam over 16 years ago

Tomas: I was reporting bugs of my own and was just confirming your bug report - however I had run into this bug allready. I just thought it was a "feature" - when you read "click edit to view" one way or the other, it sounds slightly logical that you can't edit (because you're only viewing)

Actions #5

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago

Dear Tijmen,
I don't understand how you mean it. This is a clear bug. Imagine, you change 20 lines of TypoScript, only to find out that upon saving, your changes are discarded in some browsers. For me, it was a big surprise, as it never happened before v.4.2.0.

Actions #6

Updated by Andreas Dörler over 16 years ago

Same problem with IE6, no problems with Firefox.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?

Actions #7

Updated by Tijmen Stam over 16 years ago

Tomas: I first saw it in IE and thought it was an view-only-field, and it was meant as such, and it was an error you could also edit.

Only upon reading this bug report, I realised the error was the other way around.

Actions #8

Updated by Anonymous over 16 years ago

to work around you can use the "Click here to edit whole template record " button. Saving of setup and constants will work. It does not using edit setup or edit constants only feature.

Actions #9

Updated by Christian Kuhn almost 15 years ago

I remember we did some fix in this area, so is this still an issue?

Actions #10

Updated by Christian Kuhn over 14 years ago

Resolved, no change required after a month without feedback.

Please re-open if this is still a valid issue.

Actions #11

Updated by Benni Mack over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

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