Bug #19146
closedIndexed search did not take Mount Point in account
I use indexed search 2.9.1 with typo3 4.1 and have the following structure: |-Site1 (id=1) |-|-Page 1 |-|-|-subpage Page1 |-|-Page 2 |-|-Page 3 |-Site2 (id=10) |-Page 1 |-Page 2 (Mount point to Page 2 of site 1)
I checked "root of website" for "site1" and "site2" and have the following configuration for site 1:
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.search.rootPidList= 1
plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.sections = rl0_1
and for site2:
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.search.rootPidList= 10
plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.sections = rl0_10
Now if i made a search on site2, i got the result twice with differents paths. For example for a word contains in page 1, i got 2 pages in the result with these paths: /site1/Page1 and /site2/page2/Page1.
same if i did a search on site2. Is it possible to solve this problem?
(issue imported from #M9038)