Bug #19316
IRRE Problem with TYPO3 4.2 - unable to delete child records
Added by Nico Thomaier about 16 years ago.
Updated almost 16 years ago.
As already mentioned here
I am also not able to delete child records that are of type inline with FF 3. I hit the delete button, click OK in the JS prompt telling that I'm sure that I
want to delete, and then - seemingly nothing happens.
This is the JS error msg I get (in file jsfunc.inline.js (line 670)):
Element.getElementsByClassName is not a function
I Tried to delete the IRRE Childs with IE 7 and everything works fine
Browser: Firefox 3.0.1
Client OS: Windows Vista 32 Bit
Server OS: SuSE Linux 9.3
(issue imported from #M9329)
I can confim this for FF3 and for Safari3.1.2 (Mac OS X 10.5.4). If there is a foreign_selector and the option foreign_unique is set, the entry reappears in the list of the selector but is not deleted in the "bar"-list below. One can now select an entry again and again (although the option foreign_unique should avoid this).
Also without foreign_unique, I can confirm this behaviour in TYPO3 4.2.1. IRRE conf as follows:
'tx_cagttnews_paragraphs' => Array (
'exclude' => 1,
'l10n_mode' => 'exclude',
'label' => 'LLL:EXT:cag_ttnewsext/locallang_db.xml:tt_news.tx_cagttnews_paragraphs',
'config' => Array (
'type' => 'inline',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_cagttnews_paragraph',
'foreign_field' => 'parent_uid',
'maxitems' => 50,
'appearance' => Array (
'collapseAll' => 1,
'expandSingle' => 1,
'newRecordLinkAddTitle' => 1,
This bug was already solved in RFC
#18965 and will be part of
You can use the TYPO3_4-2 branch from SVN repository or apply the patch at RFC #18965 to fix this bug on your system until one of the mentioned TYPO3 releases were published.
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