Bug #19607
closedPHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in t3lib_cache_backend_db.php
if the cache is empty i get an php warning.
Afaik that would be even with an disabled warning output an performance issue.
And i think, even with enabled php warning, that should not happen in the core?
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /typo3_trunk/t3lib/cache/backend/class.t3lib_cache_backend_db.php on line 156
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /typo3_trunk/t3lib/cache/backend/class.t3lib_cache_backend_db.php on line 156
(issue imported from #M9787)
Updated by Dmitry Dulepov almost 16 years ago
This warning will happen only if you have SQL error in the db cache (for example, you forgot to update cache tables to the new format. $GLOBALS['TYPO3_DB']->exec_SELECTgetRows() returns non–array only and only if there was SQL error. If nothing was found it returns empty array.