Feature #19748
Here is the example: when creating 40x40 thumbnail from certain (not all) 70 kb jpegs, without –strip the result was 22 kb jpeg. With -strip it is 1 kb.
We can make this option configurable:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['strip_all_images'] = 1 or 0
So instead of:
$cmdLine = $path.' '.$parameters;
$cmdLine = $path.($gfxConf['strip_all_images'] ? ' -strip ' : '').$parameters;
One space is missing, so the correct version is:
$cmdLine = $path.($gfxConf['strip_all_images'] ? ' -strip ' : ' ').$parameters;
i made a patch.
one small addition: as this is the default behaviour and may be users want to preserve this information it should be possible to switch it off. So i added a check for a setting.
For preserving the profile you need this configuration:
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['no_strip'] = true;
look to v2 version of patch.
new patch attached withou any default params. You can add the parameter for stripping profile in Install tool as there are differences between IM and GM, also you may specify the profile to be stripped.
Added new patch that allows to enable/disable the stripping of profile data specifically by
[IMAGE].file.stripProfile = 0|1 in TypoScript.
committed v8 to trunk, rev 5233
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