Bug #20009
closedInserting a table with a caption displays the caption tag as entities
When I insert a table via the function "insert table" and enter some text in the caption field, selecting a blockstyle on the right area, clicking on OK, the table is displayed in the RTE window, and below that table the value I've entered in the caption inputfield is displayed. When I save this tt_content record the caption tag with its value I've entered before is displayed as entities.
This is a listing of a table:
<table summary="bb"><caption>aa</caption><thead><tr><th scope="col"></th><th scope="col"></th><th scope="col"></th><th scope="col"></th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr></tbody></table>
Can somebody confirm this bevaviour?
found in TYPO3 Version 4.2.6, but also tested in 4.2.3 which bevaves like in 4.2.6.
Without borderstyle selected everything works fine..
(issue imported from #M10427)