Bug #20958
closedclass.t3lib_htmlmail.php produces null headers in HTML messages (again)
When sending a multi-part message in MIME format, class.t3lib_htmlmail.php outputs an additional semicolon on the Content-Type header definition which is interpreted as a violation by antispam solutions such as MailScanner as it detects a null header. This leads to the message being quarantined.
Should have been fixed according to bug 9523 (http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=9523) but is still present in 4.2.8 (lines 556 and 580) and 4.3.SVN rev.5574 (line 568).
(issue imported from #M11829)
Updated by Karl-Ernst Kiel about 15 years ago
Ups - seemed to be the caused by an outdated version of direct_mail (was using 2.6.0). It´s fixed in the current direct_mail.
So - sorry for reporting a "non core fault". Please close / delete this issue.
Updated by Christian Kuhn about 15 years ago
Resolved, no change required as requested by reporter.
Thanks for update, Karl-Ernst!