



Bug #21226


empty frame after file upload

Added by Michael Raberger almost 14 years ago. Updated almost 13 years ago.

Should have
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after uploading a file in the file list, i get an empty frame
the file is uploaded correctly but the redirection doesn´t work

same problem occurs in TYPO3 Version 4.1.14

TYPO3 Version 4.1.14 - 4.1.15
Internet Explorer 8
(issue imported from #M15392)

Actions #1

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

Can you please have a look at your PHP error log or enable the output of error messages using the displayErrors property in the Install Tool?
Think there occurs a PHP error.

Actions #2

Updated by Michael Raberger almost 14 years ago

no, there are no errors in the error_log !?

Actions #3

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago

Hi Guys, there is exactly the same behaviour in a view of my typo3 sites.
in several Versions available: 4.4, 4.2 and 4.1

Also no error in the Error Log.
I've remarked a seccond problem which might help to find out more:
As well on all Web-Sites there is ameos drag and drop upload installed. Instead of the Upload-Mask it only shows a red cross. I've tested it in Internet Explorer 7, Firefox and Chrome. All these Application seem to get some Troubles with the extensions. Either with the integratet Upload, as well as with the drag and Drop Plugin.

Further information i've found in the java console while debugging the app:

Java Plug-in 1.5.0_10
Verwendung der JRE-Version 1.5.0_10 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Home-Verzeichnis des Benutzers = C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\myuser

c: Konsolenfenster schließen
f: Objekte in Finalisierungswarteschlange finalisieren
g: Speicherbereinigung
h: Diese Hilfemeldung anzeigen
l: ClassLoader-Liste ausgeben
m: Speicherbelegung anzeigen
o: Protokollierung auslösen
p: Proxy-Konfiguration neu laden
q: Konsole ausblenden
r: Richtlinien-Konfiguration neu laden
s: System- und Bereitstellungseigenschaften ausgeben
t: Threadliste ausgeben
v: Thread-Stack ausgeben
x: ClassLoader-Cache löschen
0-5: Trace-Stufe auf <n> setzen

Laden: Klasse AmeosDragNDropUpload nicht gefunden
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: AmeosDragNDropUpload
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at Source)
Caused by: open HTTP connection failed.
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
at Method)
... 10 more

Any suggestion how to prevent this crashes/causes?

Actions #4

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago

Workaround: Somehow there seems to be a problem with your flash-Plugin or any cache file on your server- or local system.

Well, instead of using the direct upload, i'd advice you to do following:

1) Login on your TYPO3 BE
2) Go to User Tools on the Left > User Settings
3) Then click on Tab "Edit & Advanced functions"
4) Uncheck "Enable Flash Uploader (requires Flash 9+)"
5) Clear Cache and retry upload with the good old static upload-function

Does this work in your case?

Workaround In Deutsch
1) An TYPO3 Admin-Maske anmelden
2) Links auf Benutzerwerkzeuge > Einstellungen klicken
3) Dann die Registerkarte "Bearbeiten und erweiterte Funktionen" wählen
4) Dort das Kästchen "Flash-Schnittstelle zum Hochladen aktivieren (erfordert Flash 9+)" deaktivieren (- also: Haken raus)
5) oben rechts im TYPO3 auf Blitz-Symbol und "Alle Caches löschen"

nun sollte es funktionieren.

I hope these user-settings did help.
Important: If you have more than one backend user, do this step in all the accounts.


Actions #5

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

Michael, are you also using AmeosDragNDropUpload? Then it's not a core issue...

Actions #6

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago

Hi Steffen, the main-cause is in the in TYPO3 integrated File-Uplaoder. Both of us have installed a newer Version of Flashplugin than 9+.

The Ameous is just something which i've tried to ship around the problem and recognized there turns up another problem.

Something must be wrong with the Flash-Upload which was integrated in the t3core.

Actions #7

Updated by Michael Raberger almost 14 years ago

No, there is no AmeosDragNDropUpload installed

Actions #8

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

Have you tried setting displayErrors = 1 in the Install Tool?

Actions #9

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago


Is there remaining a really white empty site after uploading a file? or does it realod the page in the thierd, right frame? in my case the page reloads and shows still zero files. Even manually reloading the frame via refresh-button helps.


Yes, I did. maybe I didn't look up on the right place... well i looked through all the logfiles which accessible via TYPO3 BE. Nothing strange turned up in there...

actually there is one entry, but this wouldn't fit in this thread. Somehow moving documents doesn't show any information about the moved docs, instead TYPO3 writes a parameter called %s which doesn't mean alot to me:

This is the mentioned entry in one of the log files...
File "%s" moved to "%s" (msg#2.3.1)

Well I've also tried a few more things:

- f.e. to uncheck the thumb-preview in fileliste, and the other two options and this didn't help.
- another thing I've tried: to clear the temp-files and clear cache after updating the the config via install tool
- i've also updated the java and flash-plugin, but didn't help either...
- and last but not least..: I've also tried to upload into any directory with several different file-permissions. 0777, 0755 and so on...

maybe some silly tries of me, but sometimes such easy tries helped me to solve a problem ;)

One thing worked, if I switch of the flashthing (see above) via workaround, the old upload mask turns up and upload works well. but still, that seems not to be the solution.

Thank you for help guys.

Actions #10

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago

In one of the TYPO3 Installations (Version 4.4) I found following message:

All of your uploads failed.

If this problem persists, please try another browser, contact your administrator or disable this "Flash Uploader" in your User Settings.

Detailed problem description:

Is it possibile, there is one not showing up the message prompt?

Actions #11

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

I don't know, why no info is shown. I aimed to improve the error messages.

status 403 has been sent by the web server. I wonder, why you have no access to the upload script. Could you have a look at your access_log, what the request was and try to access it in your browser?

Actions #12

Updated by Michael Raberger almost 14 years ago

when i acccess the script (/typo3/contrib/swfupload/swfupload.swf) in the browser, there is no error message (only undefiened from flash)

even in the error_log there is no entry

Actions #13

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

No, the flash uploader sends the files to ajax.php. Please search for a request to this file (typo3/ajax.php), there should be a request with code 403 (at least in the second installation).

Actions #14

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago

Well, maybe this helps: It's not the 403 - instead the 406 Code. mod_security

1) Log-Entry - 406 Code
[Tue Aug 17 21:02:05 2010] [error] [client] mod_security: Access denied with code 406. Error processing request body: Multipart: final boundary missing [severity "EMERGENCY"] [hostname ""] [uri "/typo3/ajax.php"]

2) Log-Entry - Some of the path seem to be corrupt
(That's the message when I call script(/typo3/contrib/swfupload/swfupload.swf directly
[Wed Aug 18 14:04:04 2010] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/httpd/vhosts/, referer:

3) Log-Entry - with RSA-Message
[Tue Aug 17 20:17:43 2010] [warn] RSA server certificate wildcard CommonName (CN) `*' does NOT match server name!?

Possibile this is caused by mod_security in httpd.conf? does this parameter have to be on or off for having the application working?
Somehow strange, the provider must have changed the value - because ameos worked fine bevor and from one to the other day - this feature and also the flash-uploader strucked....

Actions #15

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago

And it seems to be the same cause as in the Ameos Drag & Drop Upload, which i won't need after this works fine here...

4) Log-Entry - Ameos MSG also 406 Code

[Tue Aug 17 20:18:11 2010] [error] [client] mod_security: Access denied with code 406. Pattern match "(libwww|lwp|Twiceler|Indy|Yandex|Java)" at HEADER [severity "EMERGENCY"] [hostname ""] [uri "/typo3/AmeosDragNDropUpload.class"]

Actions #16

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago


okay.. thanks for the information. Looks like, there are way more error reasons, which could be added to the error message ;-)

1) what does the flash uploader show? Does it show you "406" as problem description
2) Think it's just when a parameter is missing, so I wouldn't care about it
3) SSL is a big problem for flash: It can't handle self-signed certificates and fails without any reason. AFAIK the error message about the wrong CN is only outputted while server startup, isn't it? But at least that again leads discussion into the direction of SSL.
Do you use SSL to access the backend? What happens when you use plain HTTP? Certificate self-signed?

Actions #17

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

I've searched a bit for the suhosin problem and e.g. found this:

Manuel: You are not experiencing the "empty frame" problem, right?

<b>Please open a new bug report, if you (not only Manuel) have a problem with the flash uploader, but not an empty frame. It's heavy to have simultaneous problem threads at one time.</b>

I would even suggest to open a topic in typo3-english list. Could (maybe also Michael, too) you please do this? And please try to summarize your setup, what doesn't work (and what's the error) and what you've tried yet.


Actions #18

Updated by Manuel Thaler almost 14 years ago

Thanks Steffen.
I did so.... hope that's all right:

TYPO3 english list? where is that at?

Actions #19

Updated by Steffen Gebert almost 14 years ago

Thanks.. will have a look later. or news:// (more geeky, but more comfortable ;-))

Actions #20

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov almost 13 years ago

  • Target version deleted (0)

No feedback provided within 90 days. Closing the issue.

Actions #21

Updated by Dmitry Dulepov almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from Needs Feedback to Closed

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