Bug #21259
closedForms using dataArray do not show any field
When a FORM is set using Typoscript, if it uses the 'dataArray' property, the form will lack its fields. It doesn't happen the property 'data' is used instead.
The same typoscript shows the fields in typo3 4.1.10.
Debugging the output it appears that the function 'sortedKeyList', at class.t3lib_tstemplate.php, returns the keys with a final dot at version 4.3.0 beta1, while at version 4.1.10 it didn't.
As a result, the 'FORM' function at class.tslib_content.php, at the line that says:
foreach ($sKeyArray as $theKey) {
$dAA = $conf['dataArray.'][$theKey.'.']; <------- HERE
will try to look for the wrong key, example: '100..', with two (2) points instead of one!!!
When the function sortedKeyList', at class.t3lib_tstemplate.php, from version 4.3.0 whas rewritten with the old one, the FORM started showing the fields.
(issue imported from #M12217)
Updated by Oliver Hader about 15 years ago
Hi Carlos,
can you please provide a simple TypoScript example how to reproduce and test this? Thanks in advance!
Updated by Carlos Chiari about 15 years ago
Hi Oliver:
Sorry, but it seems I made a mistake. :(
The site that was giving this erros was using typo3 version 4.3 alpha1. Moving it to 4.3 beta 1 solved the issue.
Sorry for the inconvinience and the time given to this matter :(
Updated by Oliver Hader about 15 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. Thus, I can close this issue.