



Bug #21646


IE7 throws Javascript errors at different locations

Added by André Steiling about 15 years ago. Updated almost 15 years ago.

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I set up a new site (v4.2.10 core & dummy package) and logged in as the default admin in IE7.
The first time after login I click on Web > Page I get a Javascript error in line 3789, char 7 of /typo3/sysext/cms/layout/db_layout.php. This error is also thrown when I click on a page to edit the pagecontent or when I open/save an RTE content element including a table.

On my system (Win XP SP3, IE 7.0.5730.11) I click the JS message away and go ahead like nothing was happened. But on some client systems (same IE, custom TYPO3 installation, no dummy package) the Javascript error breaks RTE functionality, so you can't edit the table properties anymore: The property window pops up but with blank content.

(issue imported from #M12705)

Actions #1

Updated by Chris topher about 15 years ago

Can you try deleting your source-files and downloading them again?
I never heard of such error before and the file is unchanged since more then a year. Maybe it got corrupted when you uploaded it.
Clear all caches in TYPO3 and your browser cache before you then test it again.

If the error stays:
Do you also get this error when using Firefox?
If so: Please post more information on the exact error message!

Actions #2

Updated by André Steiling about 15 years ago

Hi Christopher,
I just deleted all caches and temp-files, also the browser cache: It went well, but after some clicks I got the same error again. I don't think the source files are corrupted - on 5 sites I tested?

The complete script alert message debug code is as follows:
Line: 3789
Char: 7
Error: Object required
Code: 0
URL: http://site/typo3/alt_db_navframe.php?&currentSubScript=sysext/cms/loayout/db_layout.php
URL: http://site/typo3/sysext/cms/layout/db_layout.php

The first url appears when the pagetree is loading, the second url is thrown when you want to edit/save records.

Everything works fine in FF 3/3.5 and IE6/ IE8 native. We tested with IE-Tester as IE7 and in case of loading the pagetree we got a different script alert at one time:

Line: 3788
Char: 7
Error: Object required
Code: 0
URL: http://site/typo3/contrib/prototype/prototype.js

Could it be, that the prototype version changed in one of the last releases and could be responsible for this strange behaviour?

Actions #3

Updated by Chris topher about 15 years ago

So you report 4(?) issues (coming from the same source but arising when doing different actions):

So the following three issues remain:
  • The error with opening table properties in the RTE.
    The RTE has an option which shows a log with messages under the RTE field. Go to the extension manager, select the RTE and enable the debug mode. Maybe this can help you get more information about that error.
  • The error when saving/editing a CE.
    What happens if this error occurs? Is the element saved/opened as it should?
  • The error with prototype.js (which was just there once - you cannot reproduce it?).

Interesting that they are only there with IE7, not with another IE and not with any other browser... Since this de facto blocks working with the backend and since I don't remember anyone to have reported this in the last time I think it must have something to do with the browser settings used...

Please check back, after #21544 is solved and see, if the other errors (which seem to have the same source) are still there...

Actions #4

Updated by Oliver Hader about 15 years ago

I don't think this is related to #21544 since the file gets loaded and is able to produce JavaScript errors.
Besides that I could not reproduce these JavaScript errors with IE7.

Actions #5

Updated by André Steiling about 15 years ago

Hi Christopher,
IE8 and it's dev tools with enabled IE7 browser and document mode had led me to the bug! The bug is related to the protype lib indeed. The behaviour of this bug is descriped here:

Now I understand why the error occours only at the first loading of the pagetree, the page content or a content element, especially after clearing all browser caches. I updated two TYPO3 installtion to Prototype lib v1.6.0.3 and the error messages seem to be gone!

I don't know, if it is a good solutions to include v1.6.0.3 just like that ...?!

So, what's about the broken table property popup? I can't reproduce this behaivour on my system(s), so I have to wait for a statement of my client.

Actions #6

Updated by Chris topher about 15 years ago

To the table properties problem: I propose you open a new bug report for this in the RTE section of this bug tracker once you have more information about the problem.
However, if it remains unreproducable, we won't be able to anything about it.

So finally this bug report is about an error in TYPO3 4.2.x caused by an old version of prototype (
Prototype is already included in TYPO3 trunk at the moment, so the issues reported should not be present there.

Only TYPO3 4.2 still uses Prototype
So a solution would be an update there...

Actions #7

Updated by André Steiling about 15 years ago

I assume that the table properties problem is also solved by updating protoype. So, if I could gather more detailed information about this and come to the conclusion that I found another bug, I will open a new bugtracker in the RTE section. But by now, it's not necessary.

What's the next step? Have I to commit this report to anyone else or any other list or is this your part?

Actions #8

Updated by Chris topher about 15 years ago

Since this is a bug, this also should be fixed in 4.2.

So the patch would be to update prototype to at least version
I know that version 1.6.1 is already available, but I don't know if such a bigger update might cause any additional problems. Since you say it works with, this should already be enough.

To get this change discussed and finally included in TYPO3 4.2, you should send it to the TYPO3-core-list!

To see how it works, check this out:

Actions #9

Updated by Martin Holtz about 15 years ago

an update to prototype seems to raise a new bug:

i cannot use powermail with FF 3.5 or IE8, but with IE7.

"cannot use powermail" means mor than one field or fieldset.

Actions #10

Updated by Martin Holtz about 15 years ago

for me a solution is to disable the browser feature SelectorsAPI in prototype

BrowserFeatures: {
XPath: !!document.evaluate,
// do not use querySelector with IRRE
SelectorsAPI: false, // !!document.querySelector,
ElementExtensions: !!window.HTMLElement,
document.createElement('div')['__proto__'] &&
document.createElement('div')['__proto__'] !==

Actions #11

Updated by Martin Holtz about 15 years ago

related with #21367

Actions #12

Updated by Chris topher almost 15 years ago

I can't get through this chaos any more and will close this ticket now.

To make things short: I don't think that we will update prototype for TYPO3 4.2.x as people rely on the behaviour introduced in that old, stable branch with version 4.2.0.

For the next time:
Please report one, only one issue per ticket!


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