Bug #21721
closedbackend login fails
Backend login fails after upgrade from 4.2 with following error.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function json_encode() in /usr/local/www/typo3/typo3_src-4.3.0RC2/typo3/backend.php on line 359
(issue imported from #M12806)
Updated by Chris topher about 15 years ago
go to the install tool and use the database analyzer and the upgrade wizard.
Then delete the temp_cached files, clear your browser cache and check again...
Updated by Michael Albers about 15 years ago
I didn't think it was needed to mention that i already did that. Tried that several times without succes.
Updated by Chris topher about 15 years ago
There are quite a few people these days who prefer using the bugtracker instead of the mailing lists. So I posted you these information just to make sure, that it's not such a simply configuration problem.
The function json_encode() is included beginning at PHP 5.2.
Maybe your PHP version nevertheless misses JSON-support?
Updated by Oliver Hader about 15 years ago
Michael, what is the PHP version you are using and on which operating system?
Updated by Michael Albers about 15 years ago
Oliver, I'm running PHP 5.2.5 on FreeBSD 6.3-RELEASE-p1
Christopher, since i run that version it should be installed. But i must admit it looks like it isn't.
Updated by Chris topher about 15 years ago
Using phpinfo() you should see some information. Search for "json" to see the version installed...
Updated by Michael Albers about 15 years ago
Additional to my system. It's running Plesk as well.
No mention about json at all in phpinfo
Updated by Chris topher about 15 years ago
Hmm, using XAMPP with PHP 5.2 I have this section in phpinfo():
json support enabled
json version 1.2.1
Searching the web I found this:
"On one server I use (FreeBSD 6.3; PHP 5.2.6 as module in Apache 2.2.10), PHP was compiled with the '--disable-all' configuration option. Consequently, there exists a secondary configuration file -- /usr/local/php5/etc/extensions.ini -- in which the line
; extension=json.so
must be uncommented (delete the semicolon) and Apache restarted for these functions to be available."
Updated by Michael Albers about 15 years ago
thanks, Christopher. But the line extension=json.so is uncommented in the extensions.ini file and it is still not working.
I'll see if i can upgrade my php version.
Updated by Michael Albers about 15 years ago
Must have been something with the json installation. Reinstalled php5-json aswell as php5-filter.
Seems to be working now.
I still get another error, but i will check the other issues on that.
Thanks for the help