Bug #22718
closedLinked headers: title attribute "allows" only a word
The bug can be reproduced like this:
1.-Create a TEXT content element
2.- Link the standard header (call the wizard)
3.- In the popup window "RTE link" enter a linkt title containing more than one word
4.- Set link
5.- Open the popup again and you will see that only the first word gets loaded in the title form field
Actually you can set a link title containing more that one word. The problem does not exist in step 4. Only the first word of the link title gets preloaded in the corresponding when calling the link wizard (setp 5 above). So everytime you decide to modify the link, you have to set the title again, if you do not want to loose all words but the first one.
I patched the file /typo3/class.browse_links.php so that the full title gets preloaded in the form field. The title set in the frontend is still reduced to the first word. So I guess that appropriate modifications have to be made in the rendering procedure.
(issue imported from #M14481)
Updated by Jan Loderhose over 14 years ago
This issue seems to concern Flexform link fields in general. Updated a TYPO3 installation yesterday ( 4.1.12 / TV 1.4.2 => 4.3.3 / TV1.4.2 ) and experience the described behavior since. RTE link generation works like a charm.
Updated by Chris topher over 14 years ago
Something like #20142?
Can one of you provide a patch?
Updated by Ivan Ruiz Gallego over 14 years ago
Yes, I think that http://bugs.typo3.org/view.php?id=10629 covers this issue. The patch I used is attached to the bug report. It solves