



Bug #22776


alternative language. Copy default content elements fails.

Added by Jens Brakmann about 14 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

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Alternative language: You can not copy default content elements into a new page language. It only works, if you are an admin. The copyed content elements are shown in default coloum and not in the new language coloum.

(issue imported from #M14554)


FirefoxSchnappschuss001.jpg (97.5 KB) FirefoxSchnappschuss001.jpg Administrator Admin, 2010-08-20 14:45
TYPO3-Translations.png (13.9 KB) TYPO3-Translations.png Administrator Admin, 2010-08-31 11:14
TYPO3-Translations-Settings.png (26.5 KB) TYPO3-Translations-Settings.png Administrator Admin, 2010-08-31 12:45
TYPO3-Translations-no-title.png (3.93 KB) TYPO3-Translations-no-title.png Administrator Admin, 2010-08-31 12:58
Actions #1

Updated by Not Only Pixel about 14 years ago

Could not reproduced in typo3 4.3.2

Is this resolved for you with a current 4.3 release?

Actions #2

Updated by Jens Brakmann almost 14 years ago

New info´s about this issue.
If the field "Make new translation of this page:" (selectbox) is disabled for an user you can not copy the contentelements. The User can add a new language and use it, but the copy button fails.

Actions #3

Updated by almost 14 years ago

I have the same problem. If a non-admin user clicks the "copy default content" button the copies of the CEs are inserted in the default language column. This worked fine in 4.2, but after updating to 4.4 (not tested in 4.3) it works as described above.

As an admin everything works fine. ATM I don't have time to debug but will do as soon as I can.

Actions #4

Updated by Christoph Rath almost 14 years ago

I'm having the same problem. (typo3 4.4.2). Non-Admins can't create translations with correct relations to the default-language. I'm using TV but when i create a translation of content via TV the translation is listed in "not-used elements". It seems, that the relation between default and localised content cant be established when i'm a non-admin.
Hope this will be fixed soon, because i can't use this typo3 version in any enterprise project...

Actions #5

Updated by Not Only Pixel almost 14 years ago

Can you provide more information:
- which extensions are installed and
- a screenshot of your groups access lists.

Because i cant reproduce this on a clean distributen it could related to TV or some other extension.

Actions #6

Updated by Christoph Rath almost 14 years ago

I uploaded a screenshot of group access lists.
These are my installed Extensions:

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extList_FE'] = 'css_styled_content,install,rtehtmlarea,t3skin,static_info_tables,automaketemplate,templavoila,version,doc_indexed_search,indexed_search,phpmyadmin,macina_searchbox,realurl,tt_news,kb_tv_cont_slide,lfeditor,perfectlightbox,pmkisac,powermail,date2cal';

$TYPO3_CONF_VARS['EXT']['extList'] = 'cms,lang,sv,css_styled_content,tsconfig_help,context_help,extra_page_cm_options,impexp,sys_note,tstemplate,tstemplate_ceditor,tstemplate_info,tstemplate_objbrowser,tstemplate_analyzer,func_wizards,wizard_crpages,wizard_sortpages,lowlevel,install,belog,beuser,aboutmodules,setup,taskcenter,info_pagetsconfig,viewpage,rtehtmlarea,t3skin,static_info_tables,automaketemplate,templavoila,version,recycler,doc_indexed_search,indexed_search,phpmyadmin,macina_searchbox,realurl,tt_news,kb_tv_cont_slide,lfeditor,perfectlightbox,pmkisac,powermail,date2cal,about,cshmanual,feedit,opendocs,simulatestatic,t3editor,reports,scheduler';

Actions #7

Updated by Christian Ludwig almost 14 years ago

Same problem on my installation (v4.4.0 and v 4.4.2, upgraded from v4.1).
When a non administrator tries to generate an alternative language element (in list view, see TYPO3-Translations.png), I can reproduce two different missbehaviors.

1. Content element in default language existed before upgrade (maybe inserted by an admin):
-> The alternative language is only a copy of the element, named (Copy 1).

2. Content element in default language was inserted by the non admin user:
-> The alternative language is named "Translate to de: original title" but it is again a copy, not a translation.

In both cases I can generate as many "translations" as I want. The title in list view is indented, the icon not.

Actions #8

Updated by Christian Ludwig almost 14 years ago

Oh, now I think I know what is the problem.
When I allow the excludefields:
- Pagecontent: Language
- Pagecontent: Transl.Orig
(see screen shot TYPO3-Translations-Settings.png)

I can generate alternative language elements!
So there is no way to hide these fields for users that should be able to translate content.

What still is weird:
Some contents don't show the original tilte and the alternative language element is simply named "(Copy 1)" instead of e.g. "Translate to de: original title" (see screen shot TYPO3-Translations-no-title.png)

Actions #9

Updated by over 13 years ago

As Christian pointed out, in 4.4 you need to give access to "Pagecontent: Language" and "Pagecontent: Transl.Orig" if you want your users to be allowed to copy elements from default language. If you don't, they are copied but stay in the column of the default language.
By the way, identical exclude fields exist for tt_news so editors need "News:Language" and "News: Transl.Orig" to be able to translate news records.
In TYPO3 < 4.4 these exclude fields were not required to be set.

Actions #10

Updated by Steffen Gebert about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version deleted (0)

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