



Bug #23141


htmlArea RTE: Not loading in Firefox 3.0.3

Added by Yannick Pavard over 14 years ago. Updated over 6 years ago.

Should have
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
TYPO3 Version:
PHP Version:
Is Regression:
Sprint Focus:



Is not possible to load RTE with my configuration :

- TYPO3 4.4
- Firefox 3.0.3 (in safe mode)

My TSconfig :

RTE.default.hideButtons =
RTE.default.showButtons =
RTE.default.contentCSS >


Debug :

[HTMLArea::init]: Editor url set to: sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea.css?1277220970
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor content skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea-edited-content.css?1277220970
[HTMLArea::initEditor]: Initializing editor with editor Id: data[tt_content]40[bodytext].
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin EditorMode was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin DefaultInline was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key n was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 1 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 2 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 3 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 4 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 5 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 6 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key TAB was registered for toolbar item Indent.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key SHIFT-TAB was registered for toolbar item Outdent.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key l was registered for toolbar item JustifyLeft.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key e was registered for toolbar item JustifyCenter.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key r was registered for toolbar item JustifyRight.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin BlockElements was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin BlockStyle was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin CharacterMap was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TextStyle was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Link was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin Language was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin SpellChecker was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin FindReplace was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin RemoveFormat was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin QuickTag was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TableOperations was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin ContextMenu was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key z was registered for toolbar item Undo.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key y was registered for toolbar item Redo.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin UndoRedo was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin CopyPaste was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Iframe baseURL set to:
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea-edited-content.css?1277220970
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Override CSS set to: ../typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/defaultPageStyle_2348a8c4beb8a58a690e.css?1278706297
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Content CSS set to: ../fileadmin/intranet/gabarits/css/rte.css?1276713482
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Editor iframe document head successfully built.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets successfully accessed.
(issue imported from #M15068)


Actions #1

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago

This is not the Page TSConfig in effect on your page, because the RTE would not be loading all those plugins...

Please disable script compression in EM and report js error raised on js error console.

Actions #2

Updated by Yannick Pavard over 14 years ago

Hi Stanislas,

Script compression is also disable and I haven't error on JS console (firefox isn't ?).

Version of Firefox 3.0.3 is problem ? Update to last version of 3.0.x peraphs ?


Actions #3

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago

Please report your Page TS Config.

RTE.default.hideButtons =
RTE.default.showButtons =
RTE.default.contentCSS >
cannot be the Page TSConfig in effect on your page, because the RTE would not be loading all those plugins.

Actions #4

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago

What happens when not using safe mode?

Actions #5

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago

Is this still an issue?

Actions #6

Updated by Yannick Pavard over 14 years ago

Yes... please I'm in holidays to 2 august ..let met come back with new informations.

My client wants to upgrade to the version of Firefox 3.0.x, it's a solution ?

So, when I not using safe mode, I have same problem, RTE don't loading..

Actions #7

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago

Should work with Firefox 1.5+.

Actions #8

Updated by Yannick Pavard over 14 years ago

I'm back

--- normal mode (not safe mode) -----

[HTMLArea::init]: Editor url set to: sysext/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea/
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea.css?1277220970
[HTMLArea::init]: Editor content skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea-edited-content.css?1277220970
[HTMLArea::initEditor]: Initializing editor with editor Id: data[tt_content]50[bodytext].
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin EditorMode was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin DefaultInline was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key n was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 1 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 2 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 3 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 4 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 5 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key 6 was registered for toolbar item FormatBlock.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key TAB was registered for toolbar item Indent.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key SHIFT-TAB was registered for toolbar item Outdent.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key l was registered for toolbar item JustifyLeft.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key e was registered for toolbar item JustifyCenter.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key r was registered for toolbar item JustifyRight.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin BlockElements was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin BlockStyle was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin CharacterMap was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TextStyle was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TYPO3Link was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin Language was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin SpellChecker was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin FindReplace was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin RemoveFormat was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin QuickTag was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin TableOperations was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin ContextMenu was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key z was registered for toolbar item Undo.
[HTMLArea.Config::registerHotKey]: A hotkey with key y was registered for toolbar item Redo.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin UndoRedo was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Editor::registerPlugin]: Plugin CopyPaste was successfully registered.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Iframe baseURL set to:
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Skin CSS set to: sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/htmlarea-edited-content.css?1277220970
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Override CSS set to: ../typo3temp/rtehtmlarea/defaultPageStyle_2348a8c4beb8a58a690e.css?1278706297
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Content CSS set to: ../fileadmin/intranet/gabarits/css/rte.css?1276713482
[HTMLArea.Iframe::createHead]: Editor iframe document head successfully built.
[HTMLArea.Iframe::getStyleSheets]: Stylesheets successfully accessed.

------------- PAGE TS CONFIG -----------

  1. Permission par défaut ## ############################

TCEMAIN.permissions {
userid = 1
user = show,edit,delete,new,editcontent
groupid = 1
group = show,edit,delete,new,editcontent
everybody =

  1. Configuration du RTE # ########################
  1. Définition des différentes barres utilisés pour le RTE
    RTE.toolbar.normal (
    bar, space, formatblock, bar, blockstylelabel, blockstyle, bar, textstylelabel, textstyle, bar, linebreak,
    bar, bold, italic, superscript, bar, left, center, right, bar, orderedlist, unorderedlist, outdent, indent, bar, insertcharacter, line, link, image, table, bar, findreplace, spellcheck, bar, language, showlanguagemarks, bar, linebreak,
    bar, toggleborders, bar, tableproperties, bar, rowproperties, rowinsertabove, rowinsertunder, rowdelete, rowsplit, bar, columninsertbefore, columninsertafter, columndelete, columnsplit, bar, cellproperties, cellinsertbefore, cellinsertafter, celldelete, cellsplit, cellmerge, bar, chMode, inserttag, removeformat, bar, undo, redo
    RTE.toolbar.titre = italic,subscript,superscript,chMode, removeformat
    RTE.toolbar.light (
    bar, space, formatblock, bar, blockstylelabel, blockstyle, bar, textstylelabel, textstyle, bar, linebreak,
    bar, bold, italic, superscript, bar, left, center, right, bar, orderedlist, unorderedlist, outdent, indent, bar, insertcharacter, line, link, image, table, bar, findreplace, spellcheck, bar, language, showlanguagemarks,chMode,removeformat, bar, linebreak,

// Classes definition
classes >

classesAnchor >
classesAnchor {

// External
externalLink {
class = lien-externe
type = url
image = filadmin/intranet/gabarits/images/lien-externe.gif
altText = Ce lien s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
// External in new window
externalLinkInNewWindow {
class = lien-externe-fenetre
type = url
image = filadmin/intranet/gabarits/images/lien-externe.gif
altText = Ce lien s'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre
// Internal
internalLink {
class = lien-interne
type = page
// Internal in new window
internalLinkInNewWindow {
class = lien-interne-fenetre
type = page
// Mail
mail {
class = courriel
type = mail

default {

// Available classes for HTML elements
classesParagraph >
classesTable >
classesTD >
classesLinks >
classesCharacter >
classesAnchor >
classesImage >
// Anchor classes - classes should be defined in RTE.classesAnchor
classesAnchor = lien-externe,lien-externe-fenetre,lien-interne,lien-interne-fenetre,courriel
// Default anchor classes
classesAnchor.default {
page = lien-interne
url = lien-externe
file =
mail = courriel

// Affiche les styles contenus dans la CSS (paragraphes)
showTagFreeClasses = 1

// Disable examples styles
disablePCexamples = 1

// Disable Typo3 specific browsers
disableTYPO3Browsers = 0
// Clean up options
enableWordClean = 1
// Ne pas autoriser a créer une nouvelle fenetre (popup) = 1
  1. Gestion des boutons
    buttons {
    indent.useBlockquote = 1
  1. Langues
    buttons.language.restrictToItems = en,fr
toolbarOrder < RTE.toolbar.normal
showButtons < .toolbarOrder
// More toolbar options (htmlArea RTE only)
keepButtonGroupTogether = 1

// Enable status bar (htmlArea RTE only)
showStatusBar = 1

// Color picker matrix disabled
disableColorPicker = 0

// Color selection dialog disabled
disableSelectColor = 0
// Hide font faces
hideFontFaces = *
// Hide font size
hideFontSizes = *
// RTE stylesheet
contentCSS = fileadmin/intranet/gabarits/css/rte.css

// Remove HTML comments
removeComments = 1

// Remove HTML tags
removeTags = font

// Remove HTML tags and their content
removeTagsAndContents =

// Use CSS formatting when possible
useCSS = 1

// Disable enter key for new paragraphs creation
disableEnterParagraphs = 0

// Remove trailing BR if any
removeTrailingBR = 1

// Hide infrequently used paragraph types in the paragraph type selector (formatblock button)
hidePStyleItems = pre,address

// Default colors
colors = color1,color2,color3,color4,color5,color6

// Configuration specific to the TableOperations feature (htmlArea RTE only)
// Remove the following fieldsets from the table operations dialogs
disableAlignmentFieldsetInTableOperations = 1
disableSpacingFieldsetInTableOperations = 0
disableColorFieldsetInTableOperations = 1
disableLayoutFieldsetInTableOperations = 0
disableBordersFieldsetInTableOperations = 1

// Processing rules
proc {

// Transformation method
overruleMode = ts_css

// Do not convert BR into linebreaks
dontConvBRtoParagraph = 1

// Map paragraph tag
remapParagraphTag = p

// Tags allowed
allowTags = a, abbr, acronym, address, blockquote, b, br, caption, center, cite, code, div, em, font, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, hr, i, img, li, link, ol, p, pre, q, sdfield, span, strike, strong, sub, sup, table, thead, tbody, tfoot, td, th, tr, tt, u, ul

// Tags denied
denyTags >

// Attributes to keep for P & DIV
keepPDIVattribs = xml:lang,class,style,align

// Tags allowed outside <p> and <div> tags
allowTagsOutside = img,hr,table,tr,th,td,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,br,ul,ol,li,pre,address

// Tags allowed in Typolists
allowTagsInTypolists = br,font,b,i,u,a,img,span

// Keep unknown tags
dontRemoveUnknownTags_db = 1

// Allow tables
preserveTables = 1

// Entry HTML parser
entryHTMLparser_db = 1
entryHTMLparser_db {

// Tags allowed
allowTags < RTE.default.proc.allowTags

// Tags denied
denyTags >

// HTML special characters
htmlSpecialChars = 0

  1. Nettoyage de balises et attributs
    tags {
    span.allowedAttribs = class,lang
    span.nesting = 1
    span.rmTagIfNoAttrib = 1 = 1 = 1 = 0 ## On doit garder les styles sur les P pour l'alignement = 0 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 = 1 ## Les tableaux
    table.fixAttrib.border.unset = 1
    table.fixAttrib.cellpadding.unset = 1
    table.fixAttrib.cellspacing.unset = 1

// Additionnal attributes for P & DIV
div.allowedAttribs = class,style,align
p.allowedAttribs = class,style,align

// Tags to remove
removeTags = center, font, o:p, sdfield, strike, u

// Keep non matched tags
keepNonMatchedTags = 1


// HTML parser
HTMLparser_db {

// Strip attributes
noAttrib = br

// XHTML compliance
xhtml_cleaning = 1

// Exit HTML parser
exitHTMLparser_db = 1
exitHTMLparser_db {

// Remap bold and italic
tags.b.remap = strong
tags.i.remap = em

// Keep non matched tags
keepNonMatchedTags = 1

// HTML special character
htmlSpecialChars = 0


// MS Word clean options
RTE.default.enableWordClean.HTMLparser < RTE.default.proc.entryHTMLparser_db

// Frontend RTE configuration
RTE.default.FE < RTE.default

  1. Configuration des champs
    TCEFORM.tt_content.bodytext.RTEfullScreenWidth = 100%
  1. Configuration du DAM

RTE.config.tt_news.bodytext.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media
RTE.config.tt_news.short.proc.overruleMode = ts_css,txdam_media

RTE.default.hideButtons =
RTE.default.showButtons =
RTE.default.proc.hideButtons =
RTE.default.proc.showButtons =
RTE.default.contentCSS >

--- Thanks ! ---

Actions #9

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago

Is this still an issue? I cannot reproduce this issue, even by copying this configuration. Check the result in Web->Info. You get

Brackets seem wrong somewhere.

Actions #10

Updated by over 14 years ago

I have problems with Firefox 3.0.10 on Windows. Debug output shows everything is alright but the editor doesn't load. Updating to 3.6.x solves the problem. But still I wonder if it's a general problem with 3.0.x versions.

Actions #11

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago


Tested this with Firefox 3.0.1. This version wants absolute urls for the iframe css files. It seems that the base url is not applied to the url's of the link tags. Not so in Firefox 3.6. Do not know when this was fixed.

Anyways, the attached patch will make the link tags to the css files specify absolute urls when Firefox or some Gecko browser is used.

Please confirm that the attached patch fixes the issue.

Actions #12

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago

Attaching an improved version (v2) of the patch.

Actions #13

Updated by over 14 years ago

Thanks for your work. I tested the patch and it works just fine again!

Actions #14

Updated by Stanislas Rolland over 14 years ago

Thanks for testing again Lorenz!

Committed to SVN TYPO3core trunk (revision 8745) and branch TYPO3_4-4 (revision 8746).

Actions #15

Updated by Benni Mack over 6 years ago

  • Status changed from Resolved to Closed

Also available in: Atom PDF