Bug #23318
closedwrong INSTALL.txt instructions and outdated README.txt
Please review and test/follow every sentence you wrote in installation.txt and readme.txt is up to current version 4.4.1 and not a 3.x version...
1. INSTALL.txt:
Tried "Installation: recommended" on a windows 7 desktop computer:
The syntax of ln command and the mklink (windows) differ.
The target linkname arguments are reversed!!!!
ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME (1st form)man ln
(sorry, german windows7)
mklink /?
Erstellt eine symbolische Verknüpfung.
MKLINK [[/D] | [/H] | [/J]] Verknüpfung Ziel
(Ziel=TARGET, Verknüpfung=LINK_NAME)
2. The user is commanded to copy the dummy package to webroot. That package contains a 2919 bytesize index.php. But a few sentences later the user is commanded to set a link
ln -s typo3_src/index.php
3. README.txt talks about PHP4, but INSTALL.txt says minimum ist PHP5.2.0.
Followed typo3 4.4.1 install instructions on windows 7 and a linux server.
(Well, everytime in my life I need the ln command I study 'man ln' twice to make no irreversible error, authors Mike and David must by a really nasty BOFH...)
(issue imported from #M15308)