Bug #23665
htmlarea crashes and causes error message when trying to edit text
Added by Matthias Bannert about 14 years ago.
Updated about 14 years ago.
Whenever I try to edit text with rthmlarea being enabled it crashes and throws the following error:
Fatal error: Call to protected method language::readLLfile() from context 'tx_rtehtmlarea_base' in
typo3conf/ext/rtehtmlarea/class.tx_rtehtmlarea_base.php on line 1507
If I disable the RTE the message is gone and editing works again.
(issue imported from #M15882)
language::readLLfile is not protected. There is no such reference on line 1507 of tx_rtehtmlarea_base, at least in TYPO3 4.3 and 4.4.
Why is extension rtehtmlarea installed as global extension? rtehtmlarea is a system extension do not install another version of the same as global. Delete the extension from localconf/ext
If you think this is a critical issue, I would expect to get feedback on my comments.
First of all sorry for the delayed feedback. People in different parts of the world tend to sleep at different times.
I used Typo3 4.4.3 .
Thanks for your hint, I got the problem after an update from 4.2.6. I will check your suggestions and feedback here asap.
Okay, sorry for posting this as critical. I just though it was severe because, no editing at all was possible.
Deleting the file from localconf/ext + deleting all the temp files and increasing the memory limit solved the issue.
Possibly this was caused due to successive updates and trying to update this extension separately when the issue came up. Thx for the help though!
Good to know that this is solved!
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